aptpkg(5) # NAME aptpkg - file format reference # SYNTAX The file must be named _build_ and placed in a directory named the program. ## MAINTAINERS The first line should start like so: ``` # Maintainer: Name ``` More maintainers can be listed after. ## COMMON - name: Name of the package - version: Version number - rev: Revision number (often 0, only useful if type=file) - type - type=deb: Debian package that will be downloaded and checked - type=file: Download file(s), check, and execute the _steps_ function - url: Homepage of upstream - description: Description similar to what upstream says - customcontrol: This is optional and only if extra information needs to be added to the control file ## SOURCE Provide URL(s) pointing to the file(s) to download ## SHA512SUMS The output of `sha512sum filename` that will be used to verify. Write SKIP if you do not want any verification done. ## STEPS Steps to extract and "install" the package - $builddir: The root directory - cin-bin: Install an executable file (with permissions 755) - cin-file: Install a file (with permissions 644) ## MAINTAINER SCRIPTS Maintainer scripts can be placed along _build_: examples include preinst, postinst, prerm, and postrm # SEE ALSO *aptpkg*(1) Files that aptpkg.earne.link uses: https://git.sr.ht/~earnestma/aptpkg-pkgs # AUTHORS Sources, maintainers list, and how to submit bugs/ patches can be done at https://sr.ht/~earnestma/aptpkg.