aptpkg(1) # NAME aptpkg - easily create/ get debian packages # SYNOPSIS *aptpkg* _path_ *aptpkg* --all _path_ *aptpkg* --auto [git commit hash] *aptpkg* -h | --help *aptpkg* -v | --version # DESCRIPTION aptpkg can be used to easily create/ get debian packages, and can be used with a tool such as *reprepro*(1). Provide aptpkg with a path to a folder containing an *aptpkg*(5) build file. The --auto option can also be used to build modified packages based on a git commit hash, using _HEAD_ if one is not provided. The aptpkg script *must* be available in $PATH. For mass rebuilds, aptpkg --auto can be used, passing a directory with folders under which the build files are located. # SEE ALSO *aptpkg*(5) # AUTHORS Sources, maintainers list, and how to submit bugs/ patches can be done at https://sr.ht/~earnestma/aptpkg.