2014-03-10 00:11:58 -04:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
import copy
import dateutil.parser
import dateutil.tz
import datetime
import json
import logging
import time
import urllib
import urllib2
NEXT_ACTION_LABEL = u'next_action'
class TraversalState(object):
"""Simple class to contain the state of the item tree traversal."""
def __init__(self, next_action_label_id):
self.remove_labels = []
self.add_labels = []
self.found_next_action = False
self.next_action_label_id = next_action_label_id
def clone(self):
"""Perform a simple clone of this state object.
For parallel traversals it's necessary to produce copies so that every
traversal to a lower node has the same found_next_action status.
t = TraversalState(self.next_action_label_id)
t.found_next_action = self.found_next_action
return t
def merge(self, other):
"""Merge clones back together.
After parallel traversals, merge the results back into the parent state.
if other.found_next_action:
self.found_next_action = True
self.remove_labels += other.remove_labels
self.add_labels += other.add_labels
class Item(object):
def __init__(self, initial_data):
self.parent = None
self.children = []
self.checked = initial_data['checked'] == 1
self.content = initial_data['content']
self.indent = initial_data['indent']
self.item_id = initial_data['id']
self.labels = initial_data['labels']
self.priority = initial_data['priority']
if 'due_date_utc' in initial_data and initial_data['due_date_utc'] != None:
p = dateutil.parser.parser()
self.due_date_utc = p.parse(initial_data['due_date_utc'])
# Arbitrary time in the future to always sort last
self.due_date_utc = datetime.datetime(2100, 1, 1, tzinfo=dateutil.tz.tzutc())
def GetItemMods(self, state):
if self.IsSequential():
elif self.IsParallel():
if not state.found_next_action and not self.checked:
state.found_next_action = True
if not state.next_action_label_id in self.labels:
elif state.next_action_label_id in self.labels:
def SortChildren(self):
sortfunc = lambda item: [item.due_date_utc, (5 - item.priority)]
self.children = sorted(self.children, key=sortfunc)
for item in self.children:
def GetLabelRemovalMods(self, state):
if state.next_action_label_id in self.labels:
for item in self.children:
def _SequentialItemMods(self, state):
Iterate over every child, walking down the tree.
If none of our children are the next action, check if we are.
for item in self.children:
def _ParallelItemMods(self, state):
Iterate over every child, walking down the tree.
If none of our children are the next action, check if we are.
Clone the state each time we descend down to a child.
frozen_state = state.clone()
for item in self.children:
temp_state = frozen_state.clone()
def IsSequential(self):
return not self.content.endswith('=')
#if self.content.endswith('--') or self.content.endswith('='):
# return self.content.endswith('--')
# return self.parent.IsSequential()
def IsParallel(self):
return self.content.endswith('=')
#if self.content.endswith('--') or self.content.endswith('='):
# return self.content.endswith('=')
# return self.parent.IsParallel()
class Project(object):
def __init__(self, initial_data):
self.children = []
self.indent = 0
self.is_archived = initial_data['is_archived'] == 1
self.is_deleted = initial_data['is_deleted'] == 1
self.last_updated = initial_data['last_updated']
self.name = initial_data['name']
# Project should act like an item, so it should have content.
self.content = initial_data['name']
self.project_id = initial_data['id']
def IsSequential(self):
return self.name.endswith('--')
def IsParallel(self):
return self.name.endswith('=')
SortChildren = Item.__dict__['SortChildren']
def GetItemMods(self, state):
if self.IsSequential():
for item in self.children:
elif self.IsParallel():
frozen_state = state.clone()
for item in self.children:
temp_state = frozen_state.clone()
else: # Remove all next_action labels in this project.
for item in self.children:
def _CreateItemTree(self, items):
'''Build a tree of items based on their indentation level.'''
parent_item = self
previous_item = self
for item_dict in items:
item = Item(item_dict)
if item.indent > previous_item.indent:
logging.debug('pushing "%s" on the parent stack beneath "%s"',
previous_item.content, parent_item.content)
parent_item = previous_item
# walk up the tree until we reach our parent
while item.indent <= parent_item.indent:
logging.debug('walking up the tree from "%s" to "%s"',
parent_item.content, parent_item.parent.content)
parent_item = parent_item.parent
logging.debug('adding item "%s" with parent "%s"', item.content,
item.parent = parent_item
previous_item = item
class TodoistData(object):
'''Construct an object based on a full Todoist /Get request's data'''
def __init__(self, initial_data):
self._projects = dict()
for project in initial_data['Projects']:
self._projects[project['id']] = Project(project)
def _SetLabelData(self, label_data):
# Store label data - we need this to set the next_action label.
self._labels_timestamp = label_data['LabelsTimestamp']
self._next_action_id = None
for label in label_data['Labels']:
if label['name'] == NEXT_ACTION_LABEL:
self._next_action_id = label['id']
logging.info('Found next_action label, id: %s', label['id'])
if self._next_action_id == None:
logging.warning('Failed to find next_action label, need to create it.')
def GetSyncState(self):
project_timestamps = dict()
for project_id, project in self._projects.iteritems():
project_timestamps[project_id] = project.last_updated
return {'labels_timestamp': self._labels_timestamp,
'project_timestamps': project_timestamps}
def UpdateChangedData(self, changed_data):
if ('LabelsTimestamp' in changed_data
and changed_data['LabelsTimestamp'] != self._labels_timestamp):
# delete missing projects
if 'ActiveProjectIds' in changed_data:
projects_to_delete = set(self._projects.keys()) - set(changed_data['ActiveProjectIds'])
for project_id in projects_to_delete:
logging.info("Forgetting deleted project %s", self._projects[project_id].name)
del self._projects[project_id]
if 'Projects' in changed_data:
for project in changed_data['Projects']:
logging.info("Refreshing data for project %s", project['name'])
if project['id'] in self._projects:
logging.info("replacing project data, old timestamp: %s new timestamp: %s",
self._projects[project['id']].last_updated, project['last_updated'])
self._projects[project['id']] = Project(project)
# We have already reloaded project data sent to us.
# Now any project timestamps that have changed are due to the changes we
# just sent to the server. Let's update our model.
if 'ActiveProjectTimestamps' in changed_data:
for project_id, timestamp in changed_data['ActiveProjectTimestamps'].iteritems():
# for some reason the project id is a string and not an int here.
project_id = int(project_id)
if project_id in self._projects:
project = self._projects[project_id]
if project.last_updated != timestamp:
logging.info("Updating timestamp for project %s to %s",
project.name, timestamp)
project.last_updated = timestamp
def GetProjectMods(self):
mods = []
# We need to create the next_action label
if self._next_action_id == None:
self._next_action_id = '$%d' % int(time.time())
mods.append({'type': 'label_register',
'timestamp': int(time.time()),
'temp_id': self._next_action_id,
'args': {
# Exit early so that we can receive the real ID for the label.
# Otherwise we end up applying the label two different times, once with
# the temporary ID and once with the real one.
# This makes adding the label take an extra round through the sync
# process, but that's fine since this only happens on the first ever run.
logging.info("Adding next_action label")
return mods
for project in self._projects.itervalues():
state = TraversalState(self._next_action_id)
if len(state.add_labels) > 0 or len(state.remove_labels) > 0:
logging.info("For project %s, the following mods:", project.name)
for item in state.add_labels:
# Intentionally add the next_action label to the item.
# This prevents us from applying the label twice since the sync
# interface does not return our changes back to us on GetAndSync.
mods.append({'type': 'item_update',
'timestamp': int(time.time()),
'args': {
'id': item.item_id,
'labels': item.labels
logging.info("add next_action to: %s", item.content)
for item in state.remove_labels:
mods.append({'type': 'item_update',
'timestamp': int(time.time()),
'args': {
'id': item.item_id,
'labels': item.labels
logging.info("remove next_action from: %s", item.content)
return mods
def GetResponse():
values = {'api_token': API_TOKEN}
data = urllib.urlencode(values)
req = urllib2.Request('https://api.todoist.com/TodoistSync/v2/get', data)
return urllib2.urlopen(req)
def DoSync(items_to_sync):
values = {'api_token': API_TOKEN,
'items_to_sync': json.dumps(items_to_sync)}
logging.info("posting %s", values)
data = urllib.urlencode(values)
req = urllib2.Request('https://api.todoist.com/TodoistSync/v2/sync', data)
return urllib2.urlopen(req)
def DoSyncAndGetUpdated(items_to_sync, sync_state):
values = {'api_token': API_TOKEN,
'items_to_sync': json.dumps(items_to_sync)}
for key, value in sync_state.iteritems():
values[key] = json.dumps(value)
logging.debug("posting %s", values)
data = urllib.urlencode(values)
req = urllib2.Request('https://api.todoist.com/TodoistSync/v2/syncAndGetUpdated', data)
return urllib2.urlopen(req)
def main():
response = GetResponse()
json_data = json.loads(response.read())
logging.debug("Got initial data: %s", json_data)
a = TodoistData(json_data)
while True:
mods = a.GetProjectMods()
2014-03-10 00:32:36 -04:00
if len(mods) == 0:
logging.info("* Modifications necessary - skipping sleep cycle.")
logging.info("** Beginning sync")
2014-03-10 00:11:58 -04:00
sync_state = a.GetSyncState()
changed_data = DoSyncAndGetUpdated(mods, sync_state).read()
logging.debug("Got sync data %s", changed_data)
changed_data = json.loads(changed_data)
logging.info("* Updating model after receiving sync data")
logging.info("* Finished updating model")
logging.info("** Finished sync")
if __name__ == '__main__':