NextAction ========== A more GTD-like workflow for Todoist. This program looks for pre-defined tags in every list and parentless task in your Todoist account to automatically add and remove `@next_action` labels. The result will be a clear, current and comprehensive list of next actions without the need for further thought. Uses the Todoist Sync API; note that Todoist Premium is required to function properly, since labels are used. Requirements ============ * Python 3.8 * ```todoist-python``` package. Activating NextAction ===================== Projects and parentless tasks can be tagged independently from each other to create the required functionality. Sequential list processing -------------------------- If a project or task ends with `--`, the child tasks will be treated as a priority queue and the most important will be labeled `@next_action`. Importance is determined by order in the list. Parallel list processing ------------------------ If a project or task name ends with `//`, the child tasks will be treated as parallel `@next_action`s. A waterfall processing is applied, where the lowest possible child tasks are labelled. Parentless tasks ------------------------ Any parentless task can be be given a type by appending `//` or `--` to the name of the task. This works if there is no list type, and will override a previously defined list type. Executing NextAction ==================== You can run NexAction from any system that supports Python. Running NextAction ------------------ NextAction will read your environment to retrieve your Todoist API key, so to run on a Linux/Mac OSX you can use the following commandline python -a <API Key> Additional arguments ------------------ Several arguments can be provided, for example to change the default label: python -l <label> Or to change the suffix tags: python --parallel_suffix <tag> python --serial_suffix <tag>