# ansible Configuration through [Ansible](https://ansible.com) for my development environment(s). Clone & execute the main playbook locally: `ansible-playbook run.yml -K` You will need to set SELinux to permissive and install nix first: ```bash sudo setenforce 0 sh <(curl -L https://nixos.org/nix/install) --daemon nix-shell ``` - Run usual updates: `ansible-playbook update.yml -K` ## Contributing - `git config core.hooksPath .git-hooks` TODO(earne): Remove this/ update ## After first time run - Restore all/ specific files (e.g. those with secrets) from a backup, if needed - Dotfiles - Grab ssh, gpg, and pash folder (from backup/existing device) - Any config file that contains secrets? (eg aerc's accounts.conf, wakatime/wakapi, mbsync, etc.??) - Restart! - Configure and run backups! - configure GUI apps as needed! `Fresh_install_apps_config.md`