#!/usr/bin/env bash # set -euo pipefail mkdir -p ~/.restore-info/tmp chmod 700 ~/.restore-info # restic-do exec init # restic-do exec mount /path/to-restorepoint (mkdir first) export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$(pash show personal-backups/aws-key-id) export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$(pash show personal-backups/aws-access-key) repo=$(cat ~/.dotfiles/.restic/.repo-name) script_started=$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S) # $RESTIC_PASSWORD_FILE or $RESTIC_PASSWORD_COMMAND if [[ -f "$HOME/.dotfiles/.restic/.repo-pass" ]]; then export RESTIC_PASSWORD_FILE="$HOME/.dotfiles/.restic/.repo-pass" else export RESTIC_PASSWORD_COMMAND="pash show personal-backups/repo-pass" fi # set email vars here [ -f ~/.dotfiles/.restic/.env ] && source ~/.dotfiles/.restic/.env # Check internet connectivity echo "checking internet connectivity, pinging google.com" ping -c 1 google.com internet_check="$?" if [[ $internet_check != 0 ]]; then echo "You may not be connected to the internet" notify-send -u critical "The backup was unable to run:" "you are not connected to the internet" zenity --error --text "The backup was unable to run: you are not connected to the internet" exit 1 fi # Check if metered # https://github.com/erikw/restic-systemd-automatic-backup # http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause systemctl is-active dbus.service >/dev/null 2>&1 || exit 0 systemctl is-active NetworkManager.service >/dev/null 2>&1 || exit 0 metered_status=$(dbus-send --system --print-reply=literal \ --system --dest=org.freedesktop.NetworkManager \ /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager \ org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get \ string:org.freedesktop.NetworkManager string:Metered \ | grep -o ".$") if [[ $metered_status =~ (1|3) ]]; then echo Current connection is metered notify-send -u critical "The backup was unable to run:" "your internet connection is metered" zenity --error --text "The backup was unable to run: your internet connection is metered" exit 1 fi case "$1" in backup) cd ~ || exit 1 # No longer echo "exporting list of packages" # clear existing: rm ~/.restore-info/packages-* # No longer echo "exporting dnf repos list" # clear existing rm ~/.restore-info/dnfrepos-* echo "starting backup" restic backup -r "$repo" \ --one-file-system \ --exclude-caches --exclude-file ~/.dotfiles/.restic/ignore.txt \ --exclude-if-present .exclude_from_backup \ ~ -v > ~/.restore-info/tmp/backup-log-${script_started}.txt restic_exit_code="$?" backup_stopped=$(date +%k%M%S) echo "sending email report" cat < ~/.restore-info/tmp/maint-forget-log-${script_started}.txt forget_exit_code="$?" restic -r "$repo" check --read-data-subset=10% \ > ~/.restore-info/tmp/maint-check-log-${script_started}.txt check_exit_code="$?" maint_done=$(date +%k%M%S) echo "sending email report" cat <