#!/usr/bin/env bash # A rough approximation of what I did to set my system up, only the basics # that apply to any Fedora/ spin. # If a command starts to fail, pick up manually where it left off I guess? # DO BEFORE RUNNING: # RUN sudo dnf install -y seahorse kleopatra # - Import gpg and ssh keys # TODO Check for fedora # Permissive SELinux sudo sed -i "s/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=permissive" /etc/selinux/config sudo setenforce 0 # config file applies upon reboots sudo dnf upgrade --refresh -y # Dev sudo dnf groupinstall -y "Development Tools" # must install manually: ghq codium sudo dnf install -y direnv stow sudo dnf install -y git-email git-publish sudo dnf install -y neovim # Shell sudo dnf install -y zsh git clone git@git.sr.ht:~earnestma/dotfiles ~/.dotfiles # Update to ssh chsh -s $(which zsh) (cd ~/.dotfiles && stow */ -v) # Mail sudo dnf install -y aerc isync sudo dnf install -y seahorse kleopatra # secrets: should be done already # Fonts sudo dnf install -y jetbrains-mono-fonts-all fira-code-fonts echo "All done! Restart now"