;;; earnemacs-vars.el --- Variables for earnemacs -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2020-2021 earnest ma ;; SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT ;; Author: earnest ma ;;; Commentary: ;; This file defines variables for earnemacs. ;;; Code: (defconst earnemacs-root-dir user-emacs-directory "Typically the ~/.config/emacs or ~/.emacs.d directory earnemacs is being loaded from, although this can differ if you are using chemacs2.") (defconst earnemacs-core-dir (concat earnemacs-root-dir "core/") "Path to the earnemacs core directory.") (defconst earnemacs-modules-dir (concat earnemacs-root-dir "modules/") "Path to the earnemacs modules directory.") (defvar earnemacs-initialized-p nil "Non-nil if earnemacs has been initialized.") ;; What OS are we using? (defconst *sys-linux* (eq system-type 'gnu/linux)) (defconst *sys-windows* (memq system-type '(windows-nt cygwin ms-dos))) (defconst *sys-mac* (eq system-type 'darwin)) (defconst *sys-bsd* (or *sys-mac* (eq system-type 'berkeley-unix))) ;; Daemon identification (cond ((eq (daemonp) nil) (defconst earnemacs-daemon-name "indiv")) ; emacs ((eq (daemonp) t) (defconst earnemacs-daemon-name "daemon")) ; emacs --daemon ((defconst earnemacs-daemon-name (daemonp)))) ; emacs --daemon="..." ;; Config options that must be set very early (defvar earnemacs-default-face-height 110 "If you want to adjust it, it must be done in `pre-load.el'.") (defvar earnemacs-fixed-face-height 110 "If you want to adjust it, it must be done in `pre-load.el'.") (defvar earnemacs-variable-face-height 115 "If you want to adjust it, it must be done in `pre-load.el'.") (defvar earnemacs-transparent-frame t "Enables a semi-transparent frame by default. Set to nil to disable in `pre-load.el'.") (provide 'earnemacs-vars) ;;; earnemacs-vars.el ends here