alias usysctl='systemctl --user' # From alias clear='clear; tput cup $LINES 0' alias camoff='sudo modprobe -r uvcvideo' # sudo rmmod -f uvcvideo alias camon='sudo modprobe uvcvideo' alias coderadio='mpv' alias clip="xclip -sel clip" ahbh(){ # I'm not sure if this works git rev-list --left-right --count \ "$(git remote show origin | sed -n '/HEAD branch/s/.*: //p')"..."$(git branch --show-current)" } # use fzf to cd into a ghq directory fghq(){ cd $(ghq root)/$(ghq list | fzf) } # use fzf to open a VSCodium project fcode(){ codium $(ghq root)/$(ghq list | fzf) } # use fzf to open a file in $EDITOR or neovim ffe() { fname=$(fzf) || return ${EDITOR:-nvim} "$fname" } if [ -x "$(command -v "exa")" ]; then alias ls='exa' # -ag alias la='exa -l' alias ll='exa -lahg' else echo "exa not installed" fi alias pu='git push' alias st='git st' foldersize(){ du -sh "$@" } e(){ emacsclient -a "emacs" $@ } # Easy way to create/ connect to a tmux session tmm(){ if [ -z "$1" ]; then tmux attach-session -t 0 || tmux else tmux attach-session -t "$1" || tmux new-session -t "$1" || tmux fi }