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# example config.toml file
# also used for the theme's documentation site
# copy this to yoursite-dir/config.toml and modify as needed
# Title of your site
title = "Dracublog"
# baseURL
baseURL = "example.org"
# Language code, defaults to en-US if not set
languageCode = "en-ca"
# theme - uncomment this (you can also have multiple values using ["", ""])
theme = "dracublog"
# Copyright statement, used in RSS feed and footer
copyright = "Copyright © 2021, earnest ma"
# Whether to enable GitInfo or not
enableGitInfo = false
# Taxonomies
tag = "tags"
author = "authors"
# path to favicon, should be /favicon.ico (place in static/)
favicon = "/favicon.ico"
# whether to show openring (recent posts from blogs I read...) or not
openring = false # true
# URL to git repository (for GitInfo and related)
# GitRepo = "https://git.earne.link/earnestma/dracublog"
# Nice permalinks for blog posts
blog = "/:year/:month/:day-:slug"
# Enable "unsafe" for raw HTML in markdown
unsafe = true
# Menu - header items show after blog, if it exists
identifier = "about"
name = "About"
url = "/about"
weight = 100
identifier = "work"
name = "Work"
url = "/work"
weight = 200
# Footer links
# identifier = "Home"
# name = "Home"
# url = "/"
# weight = 100
#suffixes = ["gmi"]
#name = "GEMTEXT"
#isPlainText = true
#isHTML = false
#mediaType = "text/gemini"
#protocol = "gemini://"
#permalinkable = true
#path = "gemini/"
#section = ["HTML", "RSS"]