# Contributing ## Introduction Thank you for your interest in contributing to this project! ## Bug Reports Please open a new issue [here](https://git.earne.link/earnestma/dracublog/issues). ## Style Guide See the [editor configuration file](.editorconfig) file for hints. ## Suggesting Changes For pull requests: For patches, simply [format your patch](https://git-send-email.io/) and [email it](https://www.earnestma.xyz/contact) to me (same email as `git log | grep "Author: earnest ma" -m 1`). If you prefer creating a pull request: - [Fork the repo](https://git.earne.link/earnestma/dracublog), clone and create a branch - Add, commit your changes, push to branch - [Create a PR](https://git.earne.link/earnestma/dracublog/pulls) targeting `develop` branch (in most cases) ## Changelog Loose [semantic versioning](https://semver.org/) is used. View the tags for a changelog or [changelog.md](changelog.md).