# Hugo Bear Blog ![Test](https://github.com/janraasch/hugo-bearblog/workflows/CI/badge.svg?branch=master&event=push) 🧸 A [Hugo](https://gohugo.io/)-theme based on [Bear Blog](https://bearblog.dev). > Free, no-nonsense, super-fast blogging. ## Demo For a current & working demo of this theme, please check out https://janraasch.github.io/hugo-bearblog/ 🎯. ## Installation If you already have a Hugo site on your machine, you can simply add this theme via ``` git submodule add https://github.com/janraasch/hugo-bearblog.git themes/hugo-bearblog ``` Then, adjust the `config.toml` as detailed below. For more information, read the official [setup guide][hugo-setup-guide] of Hugo. ## Adjust configuration / config.toml Please check out the [config.toml](https://github.com/janraasch/hugo-bearblog/blob/master/exampleSite/config.toml) included in the [exampleSite](https://github.com/janraasch/hugo-bearblog/tree/master/exampleSite) of this theme. ## Content & structure ### Starting fresh If you are starting fresh, simply copy over the contents of the `exampleSite`-directory included in this theme to your source directory. That should give you a good idea about how things work, and then you can go on from there to make the site your own. ### Adding content You can add **a new post/page** via running ``` hugo new blog/my-new-post.md ``` ### Adding your branding / colors / css Add a `custom_head.html`-file to your `layouts/partials`-directory. In there you may add a `