--- title: Configuration --- ## config.toml ```toml baseURL = "https://example.org/" languageCode = "en-us" title = "Your digital garden" theme = ["nwt"] # you do not need this if using as a Hugo module copyright = "(c) " enableEmoji = true enableGitInfo = true [author] name = "" [params] favicon = "/favicon.ico" # Place in static/favicon.ico GitRepo = "" # Your git repo URL (no trailing slash needed) [[menu.main]] name = "Wiki" url = "/wiki" weight = 100 [[menu.main]] name = "External link" url = "https://example.org" weight = 200 ``` ## Expected files `content/wiki/_index.md` with a `title: Index` set. ## Pinned pages Pinned pages will show on the top menu bar after your `main` menu items. You can easily set this in the page metadata with `menu: pinned`. ## Footer pages `menu: footer` ## Table of Contents To enable table of contents for a pages, set `enabletoc: true`. ## Custom partials The partial `head-custom.html` is applied after `head.html`, you can create your own copy at `layouts/partials/head-custom.html` to overwrite it. ## Docs/ Comments Create a collapsible area at the bottom of the page to embed something like Etherpad, Hedgedoc, or a commenting plugin. `HUGO_ENV` must equal production to show, otherwise a message will show instead. Overwrite this partial `layouts/partials/docscomments-content.html` with what to include. This can be disabled on your entire site: ```toml [params] disableDocsComments = true ``` For a specific page: `disableDocsComments = true`