--- title: Installation --- ## Hugo module `hugo mod init ${url}/ module name` config.toml: ```toml [module] [[module.imports]] path = 'git.sr.ht/~earnestma/nwt' ``` `hugo mod get git.sr.ht/~earnestma/nwt@{version}` ## Use a tarball Grab a tagged version through `https://git.sr.ht/~earnestma/nwt/archive/${version}.tar.gz` and extract it: `themes/nwt`. ## Git subtree ```bash # Add the remote git remote add -f nwt https://git.sr.ht/~earnestma/nwt # Add the subtree git subtree add --prefix themes/nwt nwt ${version} --squash # Updates git subtree pull --prefix themes/nwt nwt ${version} --squash ``` ## Git submodule ```bash git submodule add https://git.sr.ht/~earnestma/nwt themes/nwt cd themes/nwt # checkout the latest tag git checkout $(git tag --contains | tail -1) ```