Update allowlist

abba23 2021-05-04 17:52:10 +02:00
parent fd92a1c696
commit f45e8b51bf
1 changed files with 4 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ allowlist = [
'.*\.buzzsprout\.com', # podcasts
'platform-lookaside\.fbsbx\.com', # Facebook profile images
'genius\.com', # lyrics (genius-spicetify)
'.*\.googlevideo\.com', # YouTube videos (Spicetify Reddit app)
'.*\.gvt1\.com', # Widevine download
'hwcdn\.libsyn\.com', # podcasts
'traffic\.libsyn\.com', # podcasts
@ -32,6 +33,7 @@ allowlist = [
'.*\.podbean\.com', # podcasts
'dts\.podtrac\.com', # podcasts
'www\.podtrac\.com', # podcasts
'www\.reddit\.com', # Reddit (Spicetify Reddit app)
'audio\.simplecast\.com', # podcasts
'media\.simplecast\.com', # podcasts
'ap\.spotify\.com', # audio (access point)
@ -49,6 +51,8 @@ allowlist = [
'audio-fa\.spotifycdn\.com', # audio
'seed-mix-image\.spotifycdn\.com', # mix images
'download\.ted\.com', # podcasts
'www\.youtube\.com', # YouTube (Spicetify Reddit app)
'i.ytimg.com', # YouTube images (Spicetify Reddit app)
'dcs.*\.megaphone\.fm', # podcasts
'traffic\.megaphone\.fm', # podcasts
'audio-ak-spotify-com\.akamaized\.net', # audio