earnest's personal clone of spotify-adblock (build helped with Nix) on a foreign system, lol You should have [Spotify installed through the Debian package](https://www.spotify.com/ca-en/download/linux/) and probably `build-essential` and `git` installed as well. # spotify-adblock Spotify adblocker for Linux (macOS untested) that works by wrapping `getaddrinfo` and `cef_urlrequest_create`. It blocks requests to domains that are not on the allowlist, as well as URLs that are on the denylist. ### Notes * This **does not** work with the snap Spotify package. * This **might not** work with the Flatpak Spotify package, depending on your system's shared libraries' versions. * On Debian-based distributions (e.g. Ubuntu), the Debian Spotify package can be installed by following the instructions at the bottom of [this page](https://www.spotify.com/us/download/linux/). *(recommended)* ## Build Prerequisites: * Git * Make * Rust ```bash $ git clone https://github.com/abba23/spotify-adblock.git $ cd spotify-adblock $ make ``` ## Install ```bash $ sudo make install ``` #### Flatpak ```bash $ mkdir -p ~/.spotify-adblock && cp target/release/libspotifyadblock.so ~/.spotify-adblock/spotify-adblock.so $ mkdir -p ~/.config/spotify-adblock && cp config.toml ~/.config/spotify-adblock $ flatpak override --user --filesystem="~/.spotify-adblock/spotify-adblock.so" --filesystem="~/.config/spotify-adblock/config.toml" com.spotify.Client ``` ## Usage ### Command-line ```bash $ LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/spotify-adblock.so spotify ``` #### Flatpak ```bash $ flatpak run --command=sh com.spotify.Client -c 'eval "$(sed s#LD_PRELOAD=#LD_PRELOAD=$HOME/.spotify-adblock/spotify-adblock.so:#g /app/bin/spotify)"' ``` ### Desktop file You can integrate it with your desktop environment by creating a `.desktop` file (e.g. `spotify-adblock.desktop`) in `~/.local/share/applications`. This lets you easily run it from an application launcher without opening a terminal. Examples:
Debian Package

``` [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=Spotify (adblock) GenericName=Music Player Icon=spotify-client TryExec=spotify Exec=env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/spotify-adblock.so spotify %U Terminal=false MimeType=x-scheme-handler/spotify; Categories=Audio;Music;Player;AudioVideo; StartupWMClass=spotify ```


``` [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=Spotify (adblock) GenericName=Music Player Icon=com.spotify.Client Exec=flatpak run --file-forwarding --command=sh com.spotify.Client -c 'eval "$(sed s#LD_PRELOAD=#LD_PRELOAD=$HOME/.spotify-adblock/spotify-adblock.so:#g /app/bin/spotify)"' @@u %U @@ Terminal=false MimeType=x-scheme-handler/spotify; Categories=Audio;Music;Player;AudioVideo; StartupWMClass=spotify ```

## Uninstall ```bash $ sudo make uninstall ``` #### Flatpak ```bash $ rm -r ~/.spotify-adblock ~/.config/spotify-adblock $ flatpak override --user --reset com.spotify.Client ``` ## Configuration The allowlist and denylist can be configured in a config file located at (in ascending order of precedence): * `/etc/spotify-adblock/config.toml` *(default)* * `~/.config/spotify-adblock/config.toml` *(default for Flatpak)* * `config.toml` in the working directory