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2020-10-11 17:44:44 -04:00
## This is the Hugo configuration file for the Podcaster's Community's
## website :)
# Site Config
baseURL = "http://example.org/" # TODO This needs to be changed
languageCode = "en-us"
title = "The Podcaster's Community"
theme = ["hugo-cloak-email", "hugo-coder"]
paginate = 20
pygmentsstyle = "b2"
pygmentscodefences = true
pygmentscodefencesguesssyntax = true
#disqusShortname = "yourdiscussshortname" # This is for comments on posts. There may be a front matter option to disable it per-post
# Analytics Options
# If you want to use fathom(https://usefathom.com) for analytics, add this section
# [params.fathomAnalytics]
# siteID = "ABCDE"
# Default value is cdn.usefathom.com, overwrite this if you are self-hosting
# serverURL = "analytics.example.com"
# If you want to use plausible(https://plausible.io) for analytics, add this section
# [params.plausibleAnalytics]
# domain = "example.com"
# Default value is plausible.io, overwrite this if you are self-hosting or using a custom domain
# serverURL = "analytics.example.com"
# If you want to use goatcounter(https://goatcounter.com) for analytics, add this section
# [params.goatCounter]
# code = "code"
# Site Params
author = "The Podcaster's Community"
description = "" # SEO and sharing description
keywords = "podcasters,podcasting,discord,podcast resources"
info = "" # this is the description that shows up on page
# avatarurl = "images/avatar.jpg"
# gravatar = "john.doe@example.com"
footercontent = ""
dateformat = "January 2, 2006"
hideFooter = false
hideCredits = true
hideCopyright = false
since = 2020
# Git Commit in Footer, uncomment the line below to enable it.
# commit = "https://github.com/path/to-repo/tree/" # tree was included, not sure...
rtl = false
# Specify light/dark colorscheme
# Supported values:
# "auto" (use preference set by browser)
# "dark" (dark background, light foreground)
# "light" (light background, dark foreground) (default)
colorscheme = "dark"
# Hide the toggle button, along with the associated vertical divider
hidecolorschemetoggle = false
# Series see also post count
maxSeeAlsoItems = 5
# Enable Twemoji
enableTwemoji = true
# Custom CSS
custom_css = ["/css/imageslayout.css"]
# Custom JS
custom_js = []
# Social listings on home page
name = "Discord"
icon = "fa fa-discord"
weight = 1
url = ""
# name = "Github"
# icon = "fa fa-github"
# weight = 2
# url = "https://github.com/johndoe/"
# name = "Twitter"
# icon = "fa fa-twitter"
# weight = 3
# url = "https://twitter.com/johndoe/"
name = "RSS"
icon = "fa fa-rss"
weight = 4
url = "http://localhost:1313/posts/index.xml" # TODO Update to sub/domain once finalized
rel = "alternate"
type = "application/rss+xml"
# Language and header links config
languagename = "English"
name = "Resources"
weight = 1
url = "/resources"
#name = "About"
#weight = 1
#url = "about/"
name = "Blog"
weight = 2
url = "posts/"
#name = "Projects"
#weight = 3
#url = "projects/"
#name = "Contact me"
#weight = 5
#url = "contact/"
# Blog configuration
category = "categories"
tag = "tags"
author = "authors"
posts = "/:year/:month/:day-:slug"
taxonomies = "/posts/:slug"
# ___ END OF FILE ___