Autodoist has been build with Python 3.9.1, which is the recommended version. Older versions of 3.x should be compatible, however be aware that they have not been tested.
The program looks for pre-defined tags in the name of every project, section, or parentless tasks in your Todoist account to automatically add and remove `@next_action` labels. To create a simple list of all your next actions you can add a new filter in your Todoist with e.g.: @next_action&#project_name.
Projects, sections, and parentless tasks can be tagged independently from each other to create the required functionality. If this tag is not defined, it will not activate this functionality. The result will be a clear, current and comprehensive list of next actions without the need for further thought.
See the example given at [running Autodoist](#running-autodoist) on how to run this mode. If the label does not exist yet in your Todoist, a possibility is given to automatically create it. Todoist Premium is required in order to use labels and to make this functionality possible.
For a more GTD-like workflow, you can use Todoist filters to create a clean and cohesive list that only contains your actionable tasks. As a simple example you could use the following filter:
If a project, section, or parentless task ends with `--`, both the parentless tasks and its sub-tasks will be treated as a priority queue and the most important will be labeled. Importance is determined by order in the list.
If a project, section, or parentless task name ends with `//`, both the parentless tasks and its sub-tasks will be treated as parallel. A waterfall processing is applied, where the lowest possible sub-tasks are labelled.
Any parentless task can also be be given a type by appending `//` or `--` to the name of the task. This works if there is no project type, and will override a previously defined project type.
Note: Todoist sections don't like to have a slash in the name, it will automatically change to an underscore. The default label options will recognize this to make it work regardless. Of course you're always free to define your own custom label symbols.
- Prevent labels by defining a start-date that is added to the task itself. The label is only assigned if this date is reached. You can define the start-date by adding 'start=DD-MM-YYYY'. On the other hand the start date can be defined as several days or weeks before the due-date by using either 'start=due-<NUMBER_OF_DAYS>d' or 'start=due-<NUMBER_OF_WEEKS>w'. This is especially useful for recurring tasks!
[See an example of using start-dates](
The program looks for all parentless tasks with a recurring date. If they contain sub-tasks, they will be regenerated in the same order when the parentless task is checked. Todoist Premium is not required for this functionality.
When this functionality is activated, it is possible to chose which mode is used as overall functionality for your Todoist. See the example given at [running Autodoist](#running-autodoist).
In addition you can override the overall mode by adding the labels `Regen_off`, `Regen_all`, or `Regen_all_if_completed` to one of your main recurrings task. These labels will automatically be created for you.
You have a daily recurring task, but you're up working late and now it's past midnight. When this happens Todoist will automatically mark it overdue, and when checked by you it moves to tomorrow. This means that after a good nights rest you can't complete the task that day!
By setting an alternative time for the end-of-day you can now finish your work after midnight and the new date will automatically be corrected for you. Todoist Premium is not required for this functionality.
Todoist allows the asterisk symbol `* ` to be used to ensure tasks can't be checked by turning them into headers. Now you are able to do this en masse!
Simply add `** ` or `!* ` in front of a project, section, or top item, to automatically turn all the items that it includes into respectively headers or checkable tasks.
Autodoist will read your environment to retrieve your Todoist API key and additional arguments. In order to run on Windows/Linux/Mac OSX you can use the following command lines.
If you want to enable regeneration of sub-tasks in recurring lists, run with the `-r` argument followed by a mode number for the overall functionality (1: no regeneration, 2: regenerate all, 3: regenerate ony if all sub-tasks are completed):