mirror of https://github.com/Hoffelhas/autodoist
Core labelling functionality now seems to function. Still need to fix one bug with cleaning children if task_type is set.
@ -45,10 +45,15 @@ def close_connection(connection):
# Execute any SQLite query passed to it in the form of string
def execute_query(connection, query):
def execute_query(connection, query, *args):
cursor = connection.cursor()
value = args[0]
cursor.execute(query,(value,)) # Useful to pass None/NULL value correctly
logging.debug("Query executed: {}".format(query))
except Exception as e:
@ -111,22 +116,15 @@ def db_update_value(connection, model, column, value):
db_name = 'projects'
goal = 'project_id'
query = """
%s = %r
%s = %r
""" % (db_name, column, value, goal, model.id)
query = """UPDATE %s SET %s = ? WHERE %s = %r""" % (db_name, column, goal, model.id)
result = execute_query(connection, query)
result = execute_query(connection, query, value)
return result
except Exception as e:
logging.debug(f"The error '{e}' occurred")
return result
# Check if the id of a model exists, if not, add to database
@ -159,10 +157,10 @@ def db_check_existance(connection, model):
if isinstance(model, Section):
q_create = """
sections (section_id, project_type, section_type)
sections (section_id, section_type)
(%r, %s, %s);
""" % (model.id, 'NULL', 'NULL')
(%r, %s);
""" % (model.id, 'NULL')
if isinstance(model, Project):
q_create = """
@ -198,8 +196,7 @@ def initialise_sqlite():
q_create_sections_table = """
sections_id INTEGER,
project_type TEXT,
section_id INTEGER,
@ -571,8 +568,6 @@ def add_label(connection, task, dominant_type, label, overview_task_ids, overvie
overview_task_ids[task.id] = 1
overview_task_labels[task.id] = labels
db_update_value(connection, task, 'task_type', dominant_type)
# Logic to track removal of a label from a task
@ -851,6 +846,14 @@ def autodoist_magic(args, api, connection):
except Exception as error:
# If a project type has changed, clean all tasks in this project for good measure
if next_action_label is not None:
if project_type_changed == 1:
for task in project_tasks:
remove_label(task, next_action_label, overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels)
db_update_value(connection, task, 'task_type', None)
db_update_value(connection, task, 'parent_type', None)
# Run for both non-sectioned and sectioned tasks
# Get completed tasks:
@ -890,46 +893,39 @@ def autodoist_magic(args, api, connection):
args, connection, section)
# Get all tasks for the section
tasks = [x for x in project_tasks if x.section_id
section_tasks = [x for x in project_tasks if x.section_id
== section.id]
# Change top tasks parents_id from 'None' to '0' in order to numerically sort later on
for task in tasks:
for task in section_tasks:
if not task.parent_id:
task.parent_id = 0
# Sort by parent_id and child order
# In the past, Todoist used to screw up the tasks orders, so originally I processed parentless tasks first such that children could properly inherit porperties.
# With the new API this seems to be in order, but I'm keeping this just in case for now. TODO: Could be used for optimization in the future.
tasks = sorted(tasks, key=lambda x: (
section_tasks = sorted(section_tasks, key=lambda x: (
int(x.parent_id), x.order))
# If a type has changed, clean all tasks in this section for good measure
if next_action_label is not None:
if project_type_changed == 1 or section_type_changed == 1:
# Remove labels
[remove_label(task, next_action_label, overview_task_ids,
overview_task_labels) for task in tasks]
# Remove parent types
# for task in tasks:
# task.parent_type = None #TODO: METADATA
if section_type_changed == 1:
for task in section_tasks:
remove_label(task, next_action_label, overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels)
db_update_value(connection, task, 'task_type', None)
db_update_value(connection, task, 'parent_type', None)
# For all tasks in this section
for task in tasks:
for task in section_tasks:
dominant_type = None # Reset
db_check_existance(connection, task)
# Possible nottes routine for the future
# notes = api.notes.all() TODO: Quick notes test to see what the impact is?
# note_content = [x['content'] for x in notes if x['item_id'] == item['id']]
# print(note_content)
# Determine which child_tasks exist, both all and the ones that have not been checked yet
non_completed_tasks = list(
filter(lambda x: not x.is_completed, tasks))
filter(lambda x: not x.is_completed, section_tasks))
child_tasks_all = list(
filter(lambda x: x.parent_id == task.id, tasks))
filter(lambda x: x.parent_id == task.id, section_tasks))
child_tasks = list(
filter(lambda x: x.parent_id == task.id, non_completed_tasks))
@ -971,13 +967,21 @@ def autodoist_magic(args, api, connection):
task_type, task_type_changed = get_task_type(
args, connection, task)
# If task type has changed, clean all of its children for good measure
if next_action_label is not None:
if task_type_changed == 1:
for child_task in child_tasks:
remove_label(child_task, next_action_label, overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels)
db_update_value(connection, child_task, 'task_type', None)
db_update_value(connection, child_task, 'parent_type', None)
# Determine hierarchy types for logic
hierarchy_types = [task_type,
section_type, project_type]
hierarchy_boolean = [type(x) != type(None)
for x in hierarchy_types]
# If it is a parentless task
# If it is a parentless task, set task type based on hierarchy
if task.parent_id == 0:
if hierarchy_boolean[0]:
# Inherit task type
@ -1011,6 +1015,9 @@ def autodoist_magic(args, api, connection):
elif project_type == 'parallel' or project_type == 'p-s':
connection, task, dominant_type, next_action_label, overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels)
# Parentless task has no type, so skip any children.
# Mark other conditions too
if first_found_section == False and hierarchy_boolean[1]:
@ -1018,17 +1025,16 @@ def autodoist_magic(args, api, connection):
if first_found_project is False and hierarchy_boolean[2]:
first_found_project = True
# If there are children
# If a parentless or sub-task which has children
if len(child_tasks) > 0:
#TODO: is this still needed?
# # Check if task state has changed, if so clean children for good measure
# if task_type_changed == 1:
# [remove_label(child_task, next_action_label, overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels)
# for child_task in child_tasks]
#If a sub-task, inherit parent task type
if task.parent_id != 0:
#If it is a sub-task with no own type, inherit the parent task type instead
if task.parent_id != 0 and task_type == None:
# dominant_type = task.parent_type # TODO: METADATA
dominant_type = db_read_value(
connection, task, 'parent_type')[0][0]
@ -1058,7 +1064,7 @@ def autodoist_magic(args, api, connection):
elif dominant_type == 'parallel' or (dominant_type == 's-p' and next_action_label in task.labels):
task, next_action_label, overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels)
db_update_value(connection, task, 'task_type', None) #TODO: integrate in remove_label funcionality, else a lot of duplicates. #TODO: None not registered, fix bug.
# db_update_value(connection, task, 'task_type', None) #TODO: integrate in remove_label funcionality, else a lot of duplicates.
for child_task in child_tasks:
@ -1077,94 +1083,94 @@ def autodoist_magic(args, api, connection):
# Remove labels based on start / due dates
# If task is too far in the future, remove the next_action tag and skip #TODO: FIX THIS
if args.hide_future > 0 and 'due' in task.data and task.due is not None:
due_date = datetime.strptime(
task.due['date'][:10], "%Y-%m-%d")
future_diff = (
due_date - datetime.today()).days
if future_diff >= args.hide_future:
task, next_action_label, overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels)
# Hide-future not set, skip
# try:
# if args.hide_future > 0 and 'due' in task.data and task.due is not None:
# due_date = datetime.strptime(
# task.due['date'][:10], "%Y-%m-%d")
# future_diff = (
# due_date - datetime.today()).days
# if future_diff >= args.hide_future:
# remove_label(
# task, next_action_label, overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels)
# continue
# except:
# # Hide-future not set, skip
# continue
# If start-date has not passed yet, remove label
f1 = task.content.find('start=')
f2 = task.content.find('start=due-')
if f1 > -1 and f2 == -1:
f_end = task.content[f1+6:].find(' ')
if f_end > -1:
start_date = task.content[f1 +
start_date = task.content[f1+6:]
# If start-date has not passed yet, remove label #TODO: FIX THIS
# try:
# f1 = task.content.find('start=')
# f2 = task.content.find('start=due-')
# if f1 > -1 and f2 == -1:
# f_end = task.content[f1+6:].find(' ')
# if f_end > -1:
# start_date = task.content[f1 +
# 6:f1+6+f_end]
# else:
# start_date = task.content[f1+6:]
# If start-date hasen't passed, remove all labels
start_date = datetime.strptime(
start_date, args.dateformat)
future_diff = (
if future_diff < 0:
task, next_action_label, overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels)
[remove_label(child_task, next_action_label, overview_task_ids,
overview_task_labels) for child_task in child_tasks]
# # If start-date hasen't passed, remove all labels
# start_date = datetime.strptime(
# start_date, args.dateformat)
# future_diff = (
# datetime.today()-start_date).days
# if future_diff < 0:
# remove_label(
# task, next_action_label, overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels)
# [remove_label(child_task, next_action_label, overview_task_ids,
# overview_task_labels) for child_task in child_tasks]
# continue
'Wrong start-date format for task: "%s". Please use "start=<DD-MM-YYYY>"', task.content)
# except:
# logging.warning(
# 'Wrong start-date format for task: "%s". Please use "start=<DD-MM-YYYY>"', task.content)
# continue
# Recurring task friendly - remove label with relative change from due date #TODO Fix this logic
f = task.content.find('start=due-')
if f > -1:
f1a = task.content.find(
'd') # Find 'd' from 'due'
f1b = task.content.rfind(
'd') # Find 'd' from days
f2 = task.content.find('w')
f_end = task.content[f+10:].find(' ')
# Recurring task friendly - remove label with relative change from due date #TODO FIX THIS
# try:
# f = task.content.find('start=due-')
# if f > -1:
# f1a = task.content.find(
# 'd') # Find 'd' from 'due'
# f1b = task.content.rfind(
# 'd') # Find 'd' from days
# f2 = task.content.find('w')
# f_end = task.content[f+10:].find(' ')
if f_end > -1:
offset = task.content[f+10:f+10+f_end-1]
offset = task.content[f+10:-1]
# if f_end > -1:
# offset = task.content[f+10:f+10+f_end-1]
# else:
# offset = task.content[f+10:-1]
task_due_date = task.due['date'][:10]
task_due_date = datetime.strptime(
task_due_date, '%Y-%m-%d')
'No due date to determine start date for task: "%s".', task.content)
# try:
# task_due_date = task.due['date'][:10]
# task_due_date = datetime.strptime(
# task_due_date, '%Y-%m-%d')
# except:
# logging.warning(
# 'No due date to determine start date for task: "%s".', task.content)
# continue
if f1a != f1b and f1b > -1: # To make sure it doesn't trigger if 'w' is chosen
td = timedelta(days=int(offset))
elif f2 > -1:
td = timedelta(weeks=int(offset))
# if f1a != f1b and f1b > -1: # To make sure it doesn't trigger if 'w' is chosen
# td = timedelta(days=int(offset))
# elif f2 > -1:
# td = timedelta(weeks=int(offset))
# If we're not in the offset from the due date yet, remove all labels
start_date = task_due_date - td
future_diff = (
if future_diff < 0:
task, next_action_label, overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels)
[remove_label(child_task, next_action_label, overview_task_ids,
overview_task_labels) for child_task in child_tasks]
# # If we're not in the offset from the due date yet, remove all labels
# start_date = task_due_date - td
# future_diff = (
# datetime.today()-start_date).days
# if future_diff < 0:
# remove_label(
# task, next_action_label, overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels)
# [remove_label(child_task, next_action_label, overview_task_ids,
# overview_task_labels) for child_task in child_tasks]
# continue
'Wrong start-date format for task: %s. Please use "start=due-<NUM><d or w>"', task.content)
# except:
# logging.warning(
# 'Wrong start-date format for task: %s. Please use "start=due-<NUM><d or w>"', task.content)
# continue
# Return all ids and corresponding labels that need to be modified
return overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels
Reference in New Issue