Add parent name to subtask.


        Parent Task
            Child Task
                Sub Child Task


        Parent Task
            Child Task | Parent Task
                Sub Child Task | Child Task | Parent Task

label no_parent doesn't add name from parent
label no_sub_parent doesn't add name from this task to children
JVallant 2023-06-14 17:22:25 +02:00
parent 335cb3ae75
commit 466dd6ebe4
2 changed files with 87 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -343,17 +343,29 @@ def initialise_api(args):
'Wrong regeneration mode. Please choose a number from 0 to 2. Check --help for more information on the available modes.')
# Check if separator is a sensible character:
if args.add_parent is not None:
if len(args.add_parent) > 1:
'Add parent only allows one character. Check --help for more information on the available modes.')
if args.add_parent.lower() not in '()[]{}<>|$^&;:':
'Add parent only allows one of these characters: \'()[]{}<>|$^&;:\'. --help for more information on the available modes.')
# Show which modes are enabled:
modes = []
m_num = 0
for x in [args.label, args.regeneration, args.end]:
for x in [args.label, args.regeneration, args.end, args.add_parent]:
if x:
m_num += 1
modes.append('Disabled')"You are running with the following functionalities:\n\n Next action labelling mode: {}\n Regenerate sub-tasks mode: {}\n Shifted end-of-day mode: {}\n".format(*modes))"You are running with the following functionalities:\n\n Next action labelling mode: {}\n Regenerate sub-tasks mode: {}\n Shifted end-of-day mode: {}\n Add parent mode: {}\n".format(*modes))
if m_num == 0:
@ -469,6 +481,23 @@ def commit_content_update(api, task_id, content):
return api
# Commit task content change to queue
def commit_contents_update(api, overview_task_contents_ids, overview_task_contents):
filtered_overview_contents_ids = [
k for k, v in overview_task_contents_ids.items() if v != 0]
for task_id in filtered_overview_contents_ids:
content = overview_task_contents[task_id]
uuid = str(time.perf_counter()) # Create unique request id
data = {"type": "item_update", "uuid": uuid,
"args": {"id": task_id, "content": content}}
return api
# Ensure label updates are only issued once per task and commit to queue
@ -677,6 +706,19 @@ def remove_label(task, label, overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels):
overview_task_labels[] = labels
# Logic to track for changing content of a task
def update_content(task, content, overview_task_contents_ids, overview_task_contents):
if content != task.content:
logging.debug('Updating \'%s\' to \'%s\'', task.content,content)
overview_task_contents_ids[] += 1
overview_task_contents_ids[] = 1
overview_task_contents[] = content
# Check if header logic needs to be applied
@ -976,8 +1018,11 @@ def autodoist_magic(args, api, connection):
# Preallocate dictionaries and other values
overview_task_ids = {}
overview_task_labels = {}
overview_task_contents_ids = {}
overview_task_contents = {}
next_action_label = args.label
regen_labels_id = args.regen_label_names
add_parent = args.add_parent
first_found = [False, False, False]
api.queue = []
api.overview_updated_ids = []
@ -1434,8 +1479,40 @@ def autodoist_magic(args, api, connection):
if next_action_label is not None and first_found[0] == False and section_tasks:
first_found[0] = True
# If option turned on, start adding parent logic
if add_parent is not None:
task_dict = { for task in all_tasks}
ps_suffix=args.s_suffix+args.p_suffix+' '
# iterate trough all subtask of a task
for task in all_tasks:
parent = task_dict.get(task.parent_id)
content = task.content.strip(ps_suffix).split(add_parent) # TODO: don't strip leading and only more thant the last character
if parent is None or 'no_parent' in task.labels or 'no_sub_parent' in parent.labels: # skip if task has no parent (id is 0 -> no task in dict with this id) or label says to ignore task
if len(content) >= 2: # remove parent name, if task has lost parent
update_content(task, content[0], overview_task_contents_ids, overview_task_contents)
parent_content=parent.content.strip(ps_suffix) # TODO: don't strip leading and only more thant the last character
# Determine if task already has a parent, than check if the parent(name) has changed
if len(content) >= 2:
if parent_content == add_parent.join(content[1:]).strip():
# skip, already has correct parent
# add the serial or parallel chars to the end if the where included in the task
if parallel_serial not in ps_suffix:
# update task content with (new) parent name
new_content = '%s %s %s %s' % (content[0].strip(), add_parent, parent_content, parallel_serial)
update_content(task, new_content, overview_task_contents_ids, overview_task_contents)
# Return all ids and corresponding labels that need to be modified
return overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels
return overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels, overview_task_contents_ids, overview_task_contents
# Main
@ -1456,6 +1533,8 @@ def main():
'-r', '--regeneration', help='[CURRENTLY DISABLED FEATURE] enable regeneration of sub-tasks in recurring lists. Chose overall mode: 0 - regen off, 1 - regen all (default), 2 - regen only if all sub-tasks are completed. Task labels can be used to overwrite this mode.', nargs='?', const='1', default=None, type=int)
'-e', '--end', help='enable alternative end-of-day time instead of default midnight. Enter a number from 1 to 24 to define which hour is used.', type=int)
'-ap', '--add_parent', help='adds the parent\'s task name to the end of subtasks. Define the separator (ALL DATA TO THE RIGHT OF THE SEPARATOR WILL BE DELETED), allowed characters: \'()[]{}<>|$^&;:\' ', type=str)
'-d', '--delay', help='specify the delay in seconds between syncs (default 5).', default=5, type=int)
@ -1511,7 +1590,7 @@ def main():
start_time = time.time()
# Evaluate projects, sections, and tasks
overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels = autodoist_magic(
overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels, overview_task_contents_ids, overview_task_contents = autodoist_magic(
args, api, connection)
# Commit next action label changes
@ -1519,6 +1598,10 @@ def main():
api = commit_labels_update(api, overview_task_ids,
# Commit add parent content changes
if args.add_parent is not None:
api = commit_contents_update(api,overview_task_contents_ids, overview_task_contents)
# Sync all queued up changes
if api.queue:

metadata.sqlite Normal file

Binary file not shown.