#!/usr/bin/python3 from todoist_api_python.api import TodoistAPI from todoist_api_python.models import Task from todoist_api_python.models import Section from todoist_api_python.models import Project from todoist_api_python.http_requests import get from urllib.parse import urljoin from urllib.parse import quote import sys import time import requests import argparse import logging from datetime import datetime, timedelta import time import sqlite3 import os import re import json # Connect to SQLite database def create_connection(path): connection = None try: connection = sqlite3.connect(path) logging.debug("Connection to SQLite DB successful!") except Exception as e: logging.error( f"Could not connect to the SQLite database: the error '{e}' occurred") sys.exit(1) return connection # Close conenction to SQLite database def close_connection(connection): try: connection.close() except Exception as e: logging.error( f"Could not close the SQLite database: the error '{e}' occurred") sys.exit(1) # Execute any SQLite query passed to it in the form of string def execute_query(connection, query, *args): cursor = connection.cursor() try: value = args[0] # Useful to pass None/NULL value correctly cursor.execute(query, (value,)) except: cursor.execute(query) try: connection.commit() logging.debug("Query executed: {}".format(query)) except Exception as e: logging.debug(f"The error '{e}' occurred") # Pass query to select and read record. Outputs a tuple. def execute_read_query(connection, query): cursor = connection.cursor() result = None try: cursor.execute(query) result = cursor.fetchall() logging.debug("Query fetched: {}".format(query)) return result except Exception as e: logging.debug(f"The error '{e}' occurred") # Construct query and read a value def db_read_value(connection, model, column): try: if isinstance(model, Task): db_name = 'tasks' goal = 'task_id' elif isinstance(model, Section): db_name = 'sections' goal = 'section_id' elif isinstance(model, Project): db_name = 'projects' goal = 'project_id' query = "SELECT %s FROM %s where %s=%r" % ( column, db_name, goal, model.id) result = execute_read_query(connection, query) except Exception as e: logging.debug(f"The error '{e}' occurred") return result # Construct query and update a value def db_update_value(connection, model, column, value): try: if isinstance(model, Task): db_name = 'tasks' goal = 'task_id' elif isinstance(model, Section): db_name = 'sections' goal = 'section_id' elif isinstance(model, Project): db_name = 'projects' goal = 'project_id' query = """UPDATE %s SET %s = ? WHERE %s = %r""" % ( db_name, column, goal, model.id) result = execute_query(connection, query, value) return result except Exception as e: logging.debug(f"The error '{e}' occurred") # Check if the id of a model exists, if not, add to database def db_check_existance(connection, model): try: if isinstance(model, Task): db_name = 'tasks' goal = 'task_id' elif isinstance(model, Section): db_name = 'sections' goal = 'section_id' elif isinstance(model, Project): db_name = 'projects' goal = 'project_id' q_check_existence = "SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM %s WHERE %s=%r)" % ( db_name, goal, model.id) existence_result = execute_read_query(connection, q_check_existence) if existence_result[0][0] == 0: if isinstance(model, Task): q_create = """ INSERT INTO tasks (task_id, task_type, parent_type, due_date, r_tag) VALUES (%r, %s, %s, %s, %i); """ % (model.id, 'NULL', 'NULL', 'NULL', 0) if isinstance(model, Section): q_create = """ INSERT INTO sections (section_id, section_type) VALUES (%r, %s); """ % (model.id, 'NULL') if isinstance(model, Project): q_create = """ INSERT INTO projects (project_id, project_type) VALUES (%r, %s); """ % (model.id, 'NULL') execute_query(connection, q_create) except Exception as e: logging.debug(f"The error '{e}' occurred") # Initialise new database tables def initialise_sqlite(): cwd = os.getcwdb() db_path = os.path.join(cwd, b'metadata.sqlite') connection = create_connection(db_path) q_create_projects_table = """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS projects ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, project_id INTEGER, project_type TEXT ); """ q_create_sections_table = """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sections ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, section_id INTEGER, section_type ); """ q_create_tasks_table = """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tasks ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, task_id INTEGER, task_type TEXT, parent_type TEXT, due_date TEXT, r_tag INTEGER ); """ execute_query(connection, q_create_projects_table) execute_query(connection, q_create_sections_table) execute_query(connection, q_create_tasks_table) logging.info("SQLite DB has successfully initialized! \n") return connection # Makes --help text wider def make_wide(formatter, w=120, h=36): """Return a wider HelpFormatter, if possible.""" try: # https://stackoverflow.com/a/5464440 # beware: "Only the name of this class is considered a public API." kwargs = {'width': w, 'max_help_position': h} formatter(None, **kwargs) return lambda prog: formatter(prog, **kwargs) except TypeError: logging.error("Argparse help formatter failed, falling back.") return formatter # Simple query for yes/no answer def query_yes_no(question, default="yes"): # """Ask a yes/no question via raw_input() and return their answer. # "question" is a string that is presented to the user. # "default" is the presumed answer if the user just hits . # It must be "yes" (the default), "no" or None (meaning # an answer is required of the user). # The "answer" return value is True for "yes" or False for "no". # """ valid = {"yes": True, "y": True, "ye": True, "no": False, "n": False} if default is None: prompt = " [y/n] " elif default == "yes": prompt = " [Y/n] " elif default == "no": prompt = " [y/N] " else: raise ValueError("invalid default answer: '%s'" % default) while True: sys.stdout.write(question + prompt) choice = input().lower() if default is not None and choice == '': return valid[default] elif choice in valid: return valid[choice] else: sys.stdout.write("Please respond with 'yes' or 'no' " "(or 'y' or 'n').\n") # Check if label exists, if not, create it def verify_label_existance(api, label_name, prompt_mode): # Check the regeneration label exists labels = api.get_labels() label = [x for x in labels if x.name == label_name] if len(label) > 0: next_action_label = label[0].id logging.debug('Label \'%s\' found as label id %s', label_name, next_action_label) else: # Create a new label in Todoist logging.info( "\n\nLabel '{}' doesn't exist in your Todoist\n".format(label_name)) # sys.exit(1) if prompt_mode == 1: response = query_yes_no( 'Do you want to automatically create this label?') else: response = True if response: try: api.add_label(name=label_name) except Exception as error: logging.warning(error) labels = api.get_labels() label = [x for x in labels if x.name == label_name] next_action_label = label[0].id logging.info("Label '{}' has been created!".format(label_name)) else: logging.info('Exiting Autodoist.') exit(1) return labels # Initialisation of Autodoist def initialise_api(args): # Check we have a API key if not args.api_key: logging.error( "\n\nNo API key set. Run Autodoist with '-a ' or set the environment variable TODOIST_API_KEY.\n") sys.exit(1) # Check if alternative end of day is used if args.end is not None: if args.end < 1 or args.end > 24: logging.error( "\n\nPlease choose a number from 1 to 24 to indicate which hour is used as alternative end-of-day time.\n") sys.exit(1) else: pass # Check if proper regeneration mode has been selected if args.regeneration is not None: if not set([0, 1, 2]) & set([args.regeneration]): logging.error( 'Wrong regeneration mode. Please choose a number from 0 to 2. Check --help for more information on the available modes.') exit(1) # Show which modes are enabled: modes = [] m_num = 0 for x in [args.label, args.regeneration, args.end]: if x: modes.append('Enabled') m_num += 1 else: modes.append('Disabled') logging.info("You are running with the following functionalities:\n\n Next action labelling mode: {}\n Regenerate sub-tasks mode: {}\n Shifted end-of-day mode: {}\n".format(*modes)) if m_num == 0: logging.info( "\n No functionality has been enabled. Please see --help for the available options.\n") exit(0) # Run the initial sync logging.debug('Connecting to the Todoist API') try: api_arguments = {'token': args.api_key} api = TodoistAPI(**api_arguments) sync_api = initialise_sync_api(api) # Save SYNC API token to enable partial syncs api.sync_token = sync_api['sync_token'] except Exception as e: logging.error( f"Could not connect to Todoist: '{e}'") exit(0) logging.info("Autodoist has successfully connected to Todoist!") # Check if labels exist # If labeling argument is used if args.label is not None: # Verify that the next action label exists; ask user if it needs to be created verify_label_existance(api, args.label, 1) # TODO: Disabled for now # # If regeneration mode is used, verify labels # if args.regeneration is not None: # # Verify the existance of the regeneraton labels; force creation of label # regen_labels_id = [verify_label_existance( # api, regen_label, 2) for regen_label in args.regen_label_names] # else: # # Label functionality not needed # regen_labels_id = [None, None, None] return api # Check for Autodoist update def check_for_update(current_version): updateurl = 'https://api.github.com/repos/Hoffelhas/autodoist/releases' try: r = requests.get(updateurl) r.raise_for_status() release_info_json = r.json() if not current_version == release_info_json[0]['tag_name']: logging.warning("\n\nYour version is not up-to-date! \nYour version: {}. Latest version: {}\nFind the latest version at: {}\n".format( current_version, release_info_json[0]['tag_name'], release_info_json[0]['html_url'])) return 1 else: return 0 except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: logging.error( "Error while checking for updates (Connection error): {}".format(e)) return 1 except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e: logging.error( "Error while checking for updates (HTTP error): {}".format(e)) return 1 except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: logging.error("Error while checking for updates: {}".format(e)) return 1 # Get all data through the SYNC API. Needed to see e.g. any completed tasks. def get_all_data(api): BASE_URL = "https://api.todoist.com" SYNC_VERSION = "v9" SYNC_API = urljoin(BASE_URL, f"/sync/{SYNC_VERSION}/") COMPLETED_GET_ALL = "completed/get_all" endpoint = urljoin(SYNC_API, COMPLETED_GET_ALL) data = get(api._session, endpoint, api._token) return data def initialise_sync_api(api): bearer_token = 'Bearer %s' % api._token headers = { 'Authorization': bearer_token, 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', } data = 'sync_token=*&resource_types=["all"]' try: response = requests.post( 'https://api.todoist.com/sync/v9/sync', headers=headers, data=data) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error during initialise_sync_api: '{e}'") return json.loads(response.text) # Commit task content change to queue def commit_content_update(api, task_id, content): uuid = str(time.perf_counter()) # Create unique request id data = {"type": "item_update", "uuid": uuid, "args": {"id": task_id, "content": quote(content)}} api.queue.append(data) return api # Ensure label updates are only issued once per task and commit to queue def commit_labels_update(api, overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels): filtered_overview_ids = [ k for k, v in overview_task_ids.items() if v != 0] for task_id in filtered_overview_ids: labels = overview_task_labels[task_id] # api.update_task(task_id=task_id, labels=labels) # Not using REST API, since we would get too many single requests uuid = str(time.perf_counter()) # Create unique request id data = {"type": "item_update", "uuid": uuid, "args": {"id": task_id, "labels": labels}} api.queue.append(data) return api # Update tasks in batch with Todoist Sync API def sync(api): # # This approach does not seem to work correctly. # BASE_URL = "https://api.todoist.com" # SYNC_VERSION = "v9" # SYNC_API = urljoin(BASE_URL, f"/sync/{SYNC_VERSION}/") # SYNC_ENDPOINT = "sync" # endpoint = urljoin(SYNC_API, SYNC_ENDPOINT) # task_data = post(api._session, endpoint, api._token, data=data) try: bearer_token = 'Bearer %s' % api._token headers = { 'Authorization': bearer_token, 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', } data = 'sync_token=' + api.sync_token + \ '&commands=' + json.dumps(api.queue) response = requests.post( 'https://api.todoist.com/sync/v9/sync', headers=headers, data=data) if response.status_code == 200: return response.json() response.raise_for_status() return response.ok except Exception as e: logging.exception( 'Error trying to sync with Todoist API: %s' % str(e)) quit() # Find the type based on name suffix. def check_name(args, string, num): try: # Find inbox or none section as exceptions if string == None: current_type = None pass elif string == 'Inbox': current_type = args.inbox pass else: # Find any = or - symbol at the end of the string. Look at last 3 for projects, 2 for sections, and 1 for tasks regex = '[%s%s]{1,%s}$' % (args.s_suffix, args.p_suffix, str(num)) re_ind = re.search(regex, string) suffix = re_ind[0] # Somebody put fewer characters than intended. Take last character and apply for every missing one. if len(suffix) < num: suffix += suffix[-1] * (num - len(suffix)) current_type = '' for s in suffix: if s == args.s_suffix: current_type += 's' elif s == args.p_suffix: current_type += 'p' # Always return a three letter string if len(current_type) == 2: current_type = 'x' + current_type elif len(current_type) == 1: current_type = 'xx' + current_type except: logging.debug("String {} not recognised.".format(string)) current_type = None return current_type # Scan the end of a name to find what type it is def get_type(args, connection, model, key): # model_name = '' try: old_type = '' old_type = db_read_value(connection, model, key)[0][0] except: # logging.debug('No defined project_type: %s' % str(e)) old_type = None if isinstance(model, Task): current_type = check_name(args, model.content, 1) # Tasks elif isinstance(model, Section): current_type = check_name(args, model.name, 2) # Sections elif isinstance(model, Project): current_type = check_name(args, model.name, 3) # Projects # Check if type changed with respect to previous run if old_type == current_type: type_changed = 0 else: type_changed = 1 db_update_value(connection, model, key, current_type) return current_type, type_changed # Determine a project type def get_project_type(args, connection, project): """Identifies how a project should be handled.""" project_type, project_type_changed = get_type( args, connection, project, 'project_type') if project_type is not None: logging.debug('Identified \'%s\' as %s type', project.name, project_type) return project_type, project_type_changed # Determine a section type def get_section_type(args, connection, section, project): """Identifies how a section should be handled.""" if section is not None: section_type, section_type_changed = get_type( args, connection, section, 'section_type') else: section_type = None section_type_changed = 0 if section_type is not None: logging.debug("Identified '%s > %s' as %s type", project.name, section.name, section_type) return section_type, section_type_changed # Determine an task type def get_task_type(args, connection, task, section, project): """Identifies how a task with sub tasks should be handled.""" task_type, task_type_changed = get_type( args, connection, task, 'task_type') if task_type is not None: logging.debug("Identified '%s > %s > %s' as %s type", project.name, section.name, task.content, task_type) return task_type, task_type_changed # Logic to track addition of a label to a task def add_label(task, label, overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels): if label not in task.labels: labels = task.labels # To also copy other existing labels logging.debug('Updating \'%s\' with label', task.content) labels.append(label) try: overview_task_ids[task.id] += 1 except: overview_task_ids[task.id] = 1 overview_task_labels[task.id] = labels # Logic to track removal of a label from a task def remove_label(task, label, overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels): if label in task.labels: labels = task.labels logging.debug('Removing \'%s\' of its label', task.content) labels.remove(label) try: overview_task_ids[task.id] -= 1 except: overview_task_ids[task.id] = -1 overview_task_labels[task.id] = labels # Check if header logic needs to be applied def check_header(api, model): header_all_in_level = False unheader_all_in_level = False regex_a = '(^[*]{2}\s*)(.*)' regex_b = '(^\-\*\s*)(.*)' try: if isinstance(model, Task): ra = re.search(regex_a, model.content) rb = re.search(regex_b, model.content) if ra: header_all_in_level = True model.content = ra[2] # Local record api.update_task(task_id=model.id, content=ra[2]) # overview_updated_ids.append(model.id) # Ignore this one, since else it's count double if rb: unheader_all_in_level = True model.content = rb[2] # Local record api.update_task(task_id=model.id, content=rb[2]) # overview_updated_ids.append(model.id) else: ra = re.search(regex_a, model.name) rb = re.search(regex_b, model.name) if isinstance(model, Section): if ra: header_all_in_level = True api.update_section(section_id=model.id, name=ra[2]) api.overview_updated_ids.append(model.id) if rb: unheader_all_in_level = True api.update_section(section_id=model.id, name=rb[2]) api.overview_updated_ids.append(model.id) elif isinstance(model, Project): if ra: header_all_in_level = True api.update_project(project_id=model.id, name=ra[2]) api.overview_updated_ids.append(model.id) if rb: unheader_all_in_level = True api.update_project(project_id=model.id, name=rb[2]) api.overview_updated_ids.append(model.id) except: logging.debug('check_header: no right model found') return api, header_all_in_level, unheader_all_in_level # Logic for applying and removing headers def modify_task_headers(api, task, section_tasks, header_all_in_p, unheader_all_in_p, header_all_in_s, unheader_all_in_s, header_all_in_t, unheader_all_in_t): if any([header_all_in_p, header_all_in_s]): if task.content[:2] != '* ': content = '* ' + task.content api = commit_content_update(api, task.id, content) # api.update_task(task_id=task.id, content='* ' + task.content) # overview_updated_ids.append(task.id) if any([unheader_all_in_p, unheader_all_in_s]): if task.content[:2] == '* ': content = task.content[2:] api = commit_content_update(api, task.id, content) # api.update_task(task_id=task.id, content=task.content[2:]) # overview_updated_ids.append(task.id) if header_all_in_t: if task.content[:2] != '* ': content = '* ' + task.content api = commit_content_update(api, task.id, content) # api.update_task(task_id=task.id, content='* ' + task.content) # overview_updated_ids.append(task.id) api = find_and_headerify_all_children( api, task, section_tasks, 1) if unheader_all_in_t: if task.content[:2] == '* ': content = task.content[2:] api = commit_content_update(api, task.id, content) # api.update_task(task_id=task.id, content=task.content[2:]) # overview_updated_ids.append(task.id) api = find_and_headerify_all_children( api, task, section_tasks, 2) return api # Check regen mode based on label name def check_regen_mode(api, item, regen_labels_id): labels = item.labels overlap = set(labels) & set(regen_labels_id) overlap = [val for val in overlap] if len(overlap) > 1: logging.warning( 'Multiple regeneration labels used! Please pick only one for item: "{}".'.format(item.content)) return None try: regen_next_action_label = overlap[0] except: logging.debug( 'No regeneration label for item: %s' % item.content) regen_next_action_label = [0] if regen_next_action_label == regen_labels_id[0]: return 0 elif regen_next_action_label == regen_labels_id[1]: return 1 elif regen_next_action_label == regen_labels_id[2]: return 2 else: # label_name = api.labels.get_by_id(regen_next_action_label)['name'] # logging.debug( # 'No regeneration label for item: %s' % item.content) return None # Recurring lists logic def run_recurring_lists_logic(args, api, connection, task, task_items, task_items_all, regen_labels_id): if task.parent_id == 0: try: if task.due.is_recurring: try: db_task_due_date = db_read_value( connection, task, 'due_date')[0][0] if db_task_due_date is None: # If date has never been saved before, create a new entry logging.debug( 'New recurring task detected: %s' % task.content) db_update_value(connection, task, 'due_date', task.due.date) # Check if the T0 task date has changed, because a user has checked the task if task.due.date != db_task_due_date: # TODO: reevaluate regeneration mode. Disabled for now. # # Mark children for action based on mode # if args.regeneration is not None: # # Check if task has a regen label # regen_mode = check_regen_mode( # api, item, regen_labels_id) # # If no label, use general mode instead # if regen_mode is None: # regen_mode = args.regeneration # logging.debug('Using general recurring mode \'%s\' for item: %s', # regen_mode, item.content) # else: # logging.debug('Using recurring label \'%s\' for item: %s', # regen_mode, item.content) # # Apply tags based on mode # give_regen_tag = 0 # if regen_mode == 1: # Regen all # give_regen_tag = 1 # elif regen_mode == 2: # Regen if all sub-tasks completed # if not child_items: # give_regen_tag = 1 # if give_regen_tag == 1: # for child_item in child_items_all: # child_item['r_tag'] = 1 # If alternative end of day, fix due date if needed if args.end is not None: # Determine current hour t = datetime.today() current_hour = t.hour # Check if current time is before our end-of-day if (args.end - current_hour) > 0: # Determine the difference in days set by todoist nd = [int(x) for x in task.due.date.split('-')] od = [int(x) for x in db_task_due_date.split('-')] new_date = datetime( nd[0], nd[1], nd[2]) old_date = datetime( od[0], od[1], od[2]) today = datetime( t.year, t.month, t.day) days_difference = ( new_date-today).days days_overdue = ( today - old_date).days # Only apply if overdue and if it's a daily recurring tasks if days_overdue >= 1 and days_difference == 1: # Find current date in string format today_str = t.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") # Update due-date to today api.update_task( task_id=task.id, due_date=today_str, due_string=task.due.string) logging.debug( "Update date on task: '%s'" % (task.content)) # Save the new date for reference us db_update_value(connection, task, 'due_date', task.due.date) except: # If date has never been saved before, create a new entry logging.debug( 'New recurring task detected: %s' % task.content) db_update_value(connection, task, 'due_date', task.due.date) except: pass # TODO: reevaluate regeneration mode. Disabled for now. # if args.regeneration is not None and item.parent_id != 0: # try: # if item['r_tag'] == 1: # item.update(checked=0) # item.update(in_history=0) # item['r_tag'] = 0 # api.items.update(item['id']) # for child_item in child_items_all: # child_item['r_tag'] = 1 # except: # # logging.debug('Child not recurring: %s' % # # item.content) # pass # Find and clean all children under a task def find_and_clean_all_children(task_ids, task, section_tasks): child_tasks = list(filter(lambda x: x.parent_id == task.id, section_tasks)) if child_tasks != []: for child_task in child_tasks: # Children found, go deeper task_ids.append(child_task.id) task_ids = find_and_clean_all_children( task_ids, child_task, section_tasks) return task_ids def find_and_headerify_all_children(api, task, section_tasks, mode): child_tasks = list(filter(lambda x: x.parent_id == task.id, section_tasks)) if child_tasks != []: for child_task in child_tasks: # Children found, go deeper if mode == 1: if child_task.content[:2] != '* ': api = commit_content_update( api, child_task.id, '* ' + child_task.content) # api.update_task(task_id=child_task.id, # content='* ' + child_task.content) # overview_updated_ids.append(child_task.id) elif mode == 2: if child_task.content[:2] == '* ': api = commit_content_update( api, child_task.id, child_task.content[2:]) # api.update_task(task_id=child_task.id, # content=child_task.content[2:]) # overview_updated_ids.append(child_task.id) find_and_headerify_all_children( api, child_task, section_tasks, mode) return 0 # Contains all main autodoist functionalities def autodoist_magic(args, api, connection): # Preallocate dictionaries and other values overview_task_ids = {} overview_task_labels = {} next_action_label = args.label regen_labels_id = args.regen_label_names first_found = [False, False, False] api.queue = [] api.overview_updated_ids = [] # Get all todoist info try: all_projects = api.get_projects() # To save on request to stay under the limit all_sections = api.get_sections() # To save on request to stay under the limit all_tasks = api.get_tasks() except Exception as error: logging.error(error) for project in all_projects: # Skip processing inbox as intended feature if project.is_inbox_project: continue # Check db existance db_check_existance(connection, project) # Check if we need to (un)header entire project api, header_all_in_p, unheader_all_in_p = check_header( api, project) # Get project type if next_action_label is not None: project_type, project_type_changed = get_project_type( args, connection, project) else: project_type = None project_type_changed = 0 # Get all tasks for the project try: project_tasks = [ t for t in all_tasks if t.project_id == project.id] except Exception as error: logging.warning(error) # If a project type has changed, clean all tasks in this project for good measure if next_action_label is not None: if project_type_changed == 1: for task in project_tasks: remove_label(task, next_action_label, overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels) db_update_value(connection, task, 'task_type', None) db_update_value(connection, task, 'parent_type', None) # Run for both non-sectioned and sectioned tasks # for s in [0,1]: # if s == 0: # sections = Section(None, None, 0, project.id) # elif s == 1: # try: # sections = api.get_sections(project_id=project.id) # except Exception as error: # print(error) # Get all sections and add the 'None' section too. try: sections = [s for s in all_sections if s.project_id == project.id] sections.insert(0, Section(None, None, 0, project.id)) except Exception as error: logging.debug(error) # Reset first_found[0] = False for section in sections: # Check if section labelling is disabled (useful for e.g. Kanban) if next_action_label is not None: disable_section_labelling = 0 try: if section.name.startswith('*') or section.name.endswith('*'): disable_section_labelling = 1 except: pass # Check db existance db_check_existance(connection, section) # Check if we need to (un)header entire secion api, header_all_in_s, unheader_all_in_s = check_header( api, section) # Get section type if next_action_label: section_type, section_type_changed = get_section_type( args, connection, section, project) else: section_type = None section_type_changed = 0 # Get all tasks for the section section_tasks = [x for x in project_tasks if x.section_id == section.id] # Change top tasks parents_id from 'None' to '0' in order to numerically sort later on for task in section_tasks: if not task.parent_id: task.parent_id = 0 # Sort by parent_id and child order # In the past, Todoist used to screw up the tasks orders, so originally I processed parentless tasks first such that children could properly inherit porperties. # With the new API this seems to be in order, but I'm keeping this just in case for now. TODO: Could be used for optimization in the future. section_tasks = sorted(section_tasks, key=lambda x: ( int(x.parent_id), x.order)) # If a type has changed, clean all tasks in this section for good measure if next_action_label is not None: if section_type_changed == 1: for task in section_tasks: remove_label(task, next_action_label, overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels) db_update_value(connection, task, 'task_type', None) db_update_value(connection, task, 'parent_type', None) # Reset first_found[1] = False # For all tasks in this section for task in section_tasks: # Reset dominant_type = None # Check db existance db_check_existance(connection, task) # Determine which child_tasks exist, both all and the ones that have not been checked yet non_completed_tasks = list( filter(lambda x: not x.is_completed, section_tasks)) child_tasks_all = list( filter(lambda x: x.parent_id == task.id, section_tasks)) child_tasks = list( filter(lambda x: x.parent_id == task.id, non_completed_tasks)) # Check if we need to (un)header entire task tree api, header_all_in_t, unheader_all_in_t = check_header( api, task) # Modify headers where needed api = modify_task_headers(api, task, section_tasks, header_all_in_p, unheader_all_in_p, header_all_in_s, unheader_all_in_s, header_all_in_t, unheader_all_in_t) # TODO: Check is regeneration is still needed, now that it's part of core Todoist. Disabled for now. # Logic for recurring lists # if not args.regeneration: # try: # # If old label is present, reset it # if item.r_tag == 1: #TODO: METADATA # item.r_tag = 0 #TODO: METADATA # api.items.update(item.id) # except: # pass # If options turned on, start recurring lists logic #TODO: regeneration currently doesn't work, becaue TASK_ENDPOINT doesn't show completed tasks. Use workaround. if args.regeneration is not None or args.end: run_recurring_lists_logic( args, api, connection, task, child_tasks, child_tasks_all, regen_labels_id) # If options turned on, start labelling logic if next_action_label is not None: # Skip processing a task if it has already been checked or is a header if task.is_completed: continue # Remove clean all task and subtask data if task.content.startswith('*') or disable_section_labelling: remove_label(task, next_action_label, overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels) db_update_value(connection, task, 'task_type', None) db_update_value(connection, task, 'parent_type', None) task_ids = find_and_clean_all_children( [], task, section_tasks) child_tasks_all = list( filter(lambda x: x.id in task_ids, section_tasks)) for child_task in child_tasks_all: remove_label(child_task, next_action_label, overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels) db_update_value( connection, child_task, 'task_type', None) db_update_value( connection, child_task, 'parent_type', None) continue # Check task type task_type, task_type_changed = get_task_type( args, connection, task, section, project) # If task type has changed, clean all of its children for good measure if next_action_label is not None: if task_type_changed == 1: # Find all children under this task task_ids = find_and_clean_all_children( [], task, section_tasks) child_tasks_all = list( filter(lambda x: x.id in task_ids, section_tasks)) for child_task in child_tasks_all: remove_label( child_task, next_action_label, overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels) db_update_value( connection, child_task, 'task_type', None) db_update_value( connection, child_task, 'parent_type', None) # Determine hierarchy types for logic hierarchy_types = [task_type, section_type, project_type] hierarchy_boolean = [type(x) != type(None) for x in hierarchy_types] # If task has no type, but has a label, most likely the order has been changed by user. Remove data. if not True in hierarchy_boolean and next_action_label in task.labels: remove_label(task, next_action_label, overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels) db_update_value(connection, task, 'task_type', None) db_update_value(connection, task, 'parent_type', None) # If it is a parentless task, set task type based on hierarchy if task.parent_id == 0: if not True in hierarchy_boolean: # Parentless task has no type, so skip any children. continue else: if hierarchy_boolean[0]: # Inherit task type dominant_type = task_type elif hierarchy_boolean[1]: # Inherit section type dominant_type = section_type elif hierarchy_boolean[2]: # Inherit project type dominant_type = project_type # TODO: optimise below code # If indicated on project level if dominant_type[0] == 's': if not first_found[0]: if dominant_type[1] == 's': if not first_found[1]: add_label( task, next_action_label, overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels) elif next_action_label in task.labels: # Probably the task has been manually moved, so if it has a label, let's remove it. remove_label( task, next_action_label, overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels) elif dominant_type[1] == 'p': add_label( task, next_action_label, overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels) elif dominant_type[0] == 'p': if dominant_type[1] == 's': if not first_found[1]: add_label( task, next_action_label, overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels) elif next_action_label in task.labels: # Probably the task has been manually moved, so if it has a label, let's remove it. remove_label( task, next_action_label, overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels) elif dominant_type[1] == 'p': add_label( task, next_action_label, overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels) # If indicated on section level if dominant_type[0] == 'x' and dominant_type[1] == 's': if not first_found[1]: add_label( task, next_action_label, overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels) elif next_action_label in task.labels: # Probably the task has been manually moved, so if it has a label, let's remove it. remove_label( task, next_action_label, overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels) elif dominant_type[0] == 'x' and dominant_type[1] == 'p': add_label(task, next_action_label, overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels) # If indicated on parentless task level if dominant_type[1] == 'x' and dominant_type[2] == 's': if not first_found[1]: add_label( task, next_action_label, overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels) if next_action_label in task.labels: # Probably the task has been manually moved, so if it has a label, let's remove it. remove_label( task, next_action_label, overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels) elif dominant_type[1] == 'x' and dominant_type[2] == 'p': add_label(task, next_action_label, overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels) # If a parentless or sub-task which has children if len(child_tasks) > 0: # If it is a sub-task with no own type, inherit the parent task type instead if task.parent_id != 0 and task_type == None: dominant_type = db_read_value( connection, task, 'parent_type')[0][0] # If it is a sub-task with no dominant type (e.g. lower level child with new task_type), use the task type if task.parent_id != 0 and dominant_type == None: dominant_type = task_type if dominant_type is None: # Task with parent that has been headered, skip. continue else: # Only last character is relevant for subtasks dominant_type = dominant_type[-1] # Process sequential tagged tasks if dominant_type == 's': for child_task in child_tasks: # Ignore headered children if child_task.content.startswith('*'): continue # Clean up for good measure. remove_label( child_task, next_action_label, overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels) # Pass task_type down to the children db_update_value( connection, child_task, 'parent_type', dominant_type) # Pass label down to the first child if not child_task.is_completed and next_action_label in task.labels: add_label( child_task, next_action_label, overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels) remove_label( task, next_action_label, overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels) # Process parallel tagged tasks or untagged parents elif dominant_type == 'p' and next_action_label in task.labels: remove_label( task, next_action_label, overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels) for child_task in child_tasks: # Ignore headered children if child_task.content.startswith('*'): continue db_update_value( connection, child_task, 'parent_type', dominant_type) if not child_task.is_completed: add_label( child_task, next_action_label, overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels) # Remove labels based on start / due dates # If task is too far in the future, remove the next_action tag and skip try: if args.hide_future > 0 and task.due.date is not None: due_date = datetime.strptime( task.due.date, "%Y-%m-%d") future_diff = ( due_date - datetime.today()).days if future_diff >= args.hide_future: remove_label( task, next_action_label, overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels) except: # Hide-future not set, skip pass # If start-date has not passed yet, remove label try: f1 = re.search( 'start=(\d{2}[-]\d{2}[-]\d{4})', task.content) if f1: start_date = f1.groups()[0] start_date = datetime.strptime( start_date, args.dateformat) future_diff = ( datetime.today()-start_date).days # If start-date hasen't passed, remove all labels if future_diff < 0: remove_label( task, next_action_label, overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels) [remove_label(child_task, next_action_label, overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels) for child_task in child_tasks] except: logging.warning( 'Wrong start-date format for task: "%s". Please use "start="', task.content) continue # Recurring task friendly - remove label with relative change from due date if task.due is not None: try: f2 = re.search( 'start=due-(\d+)([dw])', task.content) if f2: offset = f2.groups()[0] if f2.groups()[1] == 'd': td = timedelta(days=int(offset)) elif f2.groups()[1] == 'w': td = timedelta(weeks=int(offset)) # Determine start-date try: due_date = datetime.strptime( task.due.datetime, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") except: due_date = datetime.strptime( task.due.date, "%Y-%m-%d") start_date = due_date - td # If we're not in the offset from the due date yet, remove all labels future_diff = ( datetime.today()-start_date).days if future_diff < 0: remove_label( task, next_action_label, overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels) [remove_label(child_task, next_action_label, overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels) for child_task in child_tasks] continue except: logging.warning( 'Wrong start-date format for task: %s. Please use "start=due-"', task.content) continue # Mark first found task in section # TODO: is this always true? What about starred tasks? if next_action_label is not None and first_found[1] == False: first_found[1] = True # Mark first found section with tasks in project (to account for None section) if next_action_label is not None and first_found[0] == False and section_tasks: first_found[0] = True # Return all ids and corresponding labels that need to be modified return overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels # Main def main(): # Version current_version = 'v2.0' # Main process functions. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=make_wide(argparse.HelpFormatter, w=120, h=60)) parser.add_argument( '-a', '--api_key', help='takes your Todoist API Key.', default=os.environ.get('TODOIST_API_KEY'), type=str) parser.add_argument( '-l', '--label', help='enable next action labelling. Define which label to use.', type=str) parser.add_argument( '-r', '--regeneration', help='[CURRENTLY DISABLED FEATURE] enable regeneration of sub-tasks in recurring lists. Chose overall mode: 0 - regen off, 1 - regen all (default), 2 - regen only if all sub-tasks are completed. Task labels can be used to overwrite this mode.', nargs='?', const='1', default=None, type=int) parser.add_argument( '-e', '--end', help='enable alternative end-of-day time instead of default midnight. Enter a number from 1 to 24 to define which hour is used.', type=int) parser.add_argument( '-d', '--delay', help='specify the delay in seconds between syncs (default 5).', default=5, type=int) parser.add_argument( '-p', '--p_suffix', help='change suffix for parallel labeling (default "=").', default='=') parser.add_argument( '-s', '--s_suffix', help='change suffix for sequential labeling (default "-").', default='-') parser.add_argument( '-df', '--dateformat', help='[CURRENTLY DISABLED FEATURE] strptime() format of starting date (default "%%d-%%m-%%Y").', default='%d-%m-%Y') parser.add_argument( '-hf', '--hide_future', help='prevent labelling of future tasks beyond a specified number of days.', default=0, type=int) parser.add_argument( '--onetime', help='update Todoist once and exit.', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--debug', help='enable debugging and store detailed to a log file.', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--inbox', help='the method the Inbox should be processed with.', default=None, choices=['parallel', 'sequential']) args = parser.parse_args() # #TODO: Temporary disable this feature for now. Find a way to see completed tasks first, since REST API v2 lost this funcionality. args.regeneration = None # Addition of regeneration labels args.regen_label_names = ('Regen_off', 'Regen_all', 'Regen_all_if_completed') # Set logging if args.debug: log_level = logging.DEBUG else: log_level = logging.INFO # Set logging config settings logging.basicConfig(level=log_level, format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', handlers=[logging.FileHandler( 'debug.log', 'w+', 'utf-8'), logging.StreamHandler()] ) # Check for updates check_for_update(current_version) # Initialise api api = initialise_api(args) # Initialise SQLite database connection = initialise_sqlite() # Start main loop while True: start_time = time.time() # Evaluate projects, sections, and tasks overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels = autodoist_magic( args, api, connection) # Commit next action label changes if args.label is not None: api = commit_labels_update(api, overview_task_ids, overview_task_labels) # Sync all queued up changes if api.queue: sync(api) num_changes = len(api.queue)+len(api.overview_updated_ids) if num_changes: if num_changes == 1: logging.info( '%d change committed to Todoist.', num_changes) else: logging.info( '%d changes committed to Todoist.', num_changes) else: logging.info('No changes in queue, skipping sync.') # If onetime is set, exit after first execution. if args.onetime: break # Set a delay before next sync end_time = time.time() delta_time = end_time - start_time if args.delay - delta_time < 0: logging.debug( 'Computation time %d is larger than the specified delay %d. Sleeping skipped.', delta_time, args.delay) elif args.delay >= 0: sleep_time = args.delay - delta_time logging.debug('Sleeping for %d seconds', sleep_time) time.sleep(sleep_time) if __name__ == '__main__': main()