#!/usr/bin/env python import time import logging import os import sys from todoist.api import TodoistAPI API_TOKEN = os.environ.get('TODOIST_API_KEY', None) NEXT_ACTION_LABEL = os.environ.get('TODOIST_NEXT_ACTION_LABEL', 'next_action') SYNC_DELAY = int(os.environ.get('TODOIST_SYNC_DELAY', '5')) INBOX_HANDLING = os.environ.get('TODOIST_INBOX_HANDLING', 'parallel') PARALLEL_SUFFIX = os.environ.get('TODOIST_PARALLEL_SUFFIX', '=') SERIAL_SUFFIX = os.environ.get('TODOIST_SERIAL_SUFFIX', '-') def get_project_type(project): """Identifies how a project should be handled""" name = project['name'].strip() if project['name'] == 'Inbox': return INBOX_HANDLING elif name[-1] == PARALLEL_SUFFIX: return 'parallel' elif name[-1] == SERIAL_SUFFIX: return 'serial' def get_subitems(items, parent_item=None): """Search a flat item list for child items""" result_items = [] found = False if parent_item: required_indent = parent_item['indent'] + 1 else: required_indent = 1 for item in items: if parent_item: if not found and item['id'] != parent_item['id']: continue else: found = True if item['indent'] == parent_item['indent'] and item['id'] != parent_item['id']: return result_items elif item['indent'] == required_indent: result_items.append(item) return result_items def main(): if os.environ.get('TODOIST_DEBUG', None): log_level = logging.DEBUG else: log_level = logging.INFO logging.basicConfig(level=log_level) if not API_TOKEN: logging.error('No API key set, exiting...') sys.exit(1) logging.debug('Connecting to the Todoist API') api = TodoistAPI(token=API_TOKEN) logging.debug('Syncing the current state from the API') api.sync(resource_types=['projects', 'labels', 'items']) labels = api.labels.all(lambda x: x['name'] == NEXT_ACTION_LABEL) if len(labels) > 0: label_id = labels[0]['id'] logging.debug('Label %s found as label id %d', NEXT_ACTION_LABEL, label_id) else: logging.error("Label %s doesn't exist, please create it or change TODOIST_NEXT_ACTION_LABEL.", NEXT_ACTION_LABEL) sys.exit(1) while True: api.sync(resource_types=['projects', 'labels', 'items']) for project in api.projects.all(): project_type = get_project_type(project) if project_type: logging.debug('Project %s being processed as %s', project['name'], project_type) # Parallel if project_type == 'parallel': items = api.items.all(lambda x: x['project_id'] == project['id']) for item in items: labels = item['labels'] if label_id not in labels: logging.debug('Updating %s with label', item['content']) labels.append(label_id) item.update(labels=labels) # Serial if project_type == 'serial': items = sorted(api.items.all(lambda x: x['project_id'] == project['id']), key=lambda x: x['item_order']) for item in items: labels = item['labels'] if item['item_order'] == 1: if label_id not in labels: labels.append(label_id) logging.debug('Updating %s with label', item['content']) item.update(labels=labels) else: if label_id in labels: labels.remove(label_id) logging.debug('Updating %s without label', item['content']) item.update(labels=labels) api.sync(resource_types=['projects', 'labels', 'items']) logging.debug('Sleeping for %d seconds', SYNC_DELAY) time.sleep(SYNC_DELAY) if __name__ == '__main__': main()