#!/bin/sh # Env variables export DB_HOST export DB_USER export DB_NAME export DEBUG # Default values DB_HOST=${DB_HOST:-mariadb} DB_USER=${DB_USER:-flarum} DB_NAME=${DB_NAME:-flarum} DEBUG=${DEBUG:-false} # Required env variables if [ -z "$DB_PASS" ]; then echo "[ERROR] Mariadb database password must be set !" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$FORUM_URL" ]; then echo "[ERROR] Forum url must be set !" exit 1 fi cd /flarum/app/ # Installation settings cat > config.yml <<EOF databaseConfiguration: driver: mysql host: ${DB_HOST} database: ${DB_NAME} username: ${DB_USER} password: ${DB_PASS} baseUrl: ${FORUM_URL} EOF # Installer problem, wait fix in beta 6 # PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ReflectionException: Class flarum.config does not # exist in /flarum/vendor/illuminate/container/Container.php # https://github.com/flarum/core/commit/7192c4391bee006ccc2de3db6caa89803d72d130 sed -i -e 's|InfoCommand::class,||g' \ -e "s|\['config' => \$app->make('flarum.config')\]|['config' => \$app->isInstalled() ? \$app->make('flarum.config') : []]|g" vendor/flarum/core/src/Console/Server.php # Set permissions chown -R flarum:flarum . # if no installation was performed before if [ ! -e 'assets/rev-manifest.json' ]; then # Mail settings sed -i -e "s|{{ DB_NAME }}|${DB_NAME}|g" \ -e "s|{{ MAIL_FROM }}|${MAIL_FROM}|g" \ -e "s|{{ MAIL_HOST }}|${MAIL_HOST}|g" \ -e "s|{{ MAIL_PORT }}|${MAIL_PORT}|g" \ -e "s|{{ MAIL_USER }}|${MAIL_USER}|g" \ -e "s|{{ MAIL_PASS }}|${MAIL_PASS}|g" \ -e "s|{{ MAIL_ENCR }}|${MAIL_ENCR}|g" config.sql # Install flarum su-exec flarum:flarum php flarum install --file config.yml # Define flarum settings in database mysql -h"${DB_HOST}" -u"${DB_USER}" -p"${DB_PASS}" "${DB_NAME}" < config.sql else echo "[INFO] Flarum already installed, init app..." # Disable already done steps during installation # ---------------------------------------------- # # See : flarum/core/src/Install/Console/DefaultsDataProvider.php # flarum/core/src/Install/Console/InstallCommand.php # # runMigrations() = Database migration (Flarum\Database\Migrator) # writeSettings() = Writing default flarum settings (Flarum\Settings\SettingsRepositoryInterface) # seedGroups() = Create default groups # seedPermissions() = Create default permissions # createAdminUser() = Create default admin user sed -i -e '/$this->runMigrations();/ s/^/#/' \ -e '/$this->writeSettings();/ s/^/#/' \ -e '/$this->seedGroups();/ s/^/#/' \ -e '/$this->seedPermissions();/ s/^/#/' \ -e '/$this->createAdminUser();/ s/^/#/' vendor/flarum/core/src/Install/Console/InstallCommand.php # Init flarum (without steps above) su-exec flarum:flarum php flarum install --file config.yml # Composer cache dir and packages list paths CACHE_DIR=/flarum/app/assets/.extensions LIST_FILE=assets/.extensions/list # Download extra extensions installed with composer wrapup script if [ -s "$LIST_FILE" ]; then echo "[INFO] Install extra bundled extensions" while read extension; do echo "[INFO] -------------- Install extension : ${extension} --------------" COMPOSER_CACHE_DIR="$CACHE_DIR" su-exec flarum:flarum composer require "$extension" done < "$LIST_FILE" echo "[INFO] Install extra bundled extensions. DONE." fi echo "[INFO] Init done, launch flarum..." fi # Set flarum debug mode if [ -f "config.php" ]; then sed -i "s|\('debug' =>\) .*|\1 ${DEBUG},|" config.php fi # Removing installation files rm -f config.sql config.yml # Set permissions chown -R flarum:flarum /flarum /var/lib/nginx # RUN ! exec supervisord -c /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf