#!/bin/sh # Default values DB_HOST=${DB_HOST:-mariadb} DB_USER=${DB_USER:-flarum} DB_NAME=${DB_NAME:-flarum} DB_PORT=${DB_PORT:-3306} FLARUM_TITLE=${FLARUM_TITLE:-Docker-Flarum} DEBUG=${DEBUG:-false} LOG_TO_STDOUT=${LOG_TO_STDOUT:-false} # Required env variables if [ -z "$DB_PASS" ]; then echo "[ERROR] Mariadb database password must be set !" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$FORUM_URL" ]; then echo "[ERROR] Forum url must be set !" exit 1 fi # Set file config for nginx and php sed -i "s//$UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE/g" /etc/nginx/nginx.conf /etc/php7/php-fpm.conf sed -i "s//$PHP_MEMORY_LIMIT/g" /etc/php7/php-fpm.conf sed -i "s//$OPCACHE_MEMORY_LIMIT/g" /etc/php7/conf.d/00_opcache.ini # Set permissions chown -R $UID:$GID /services /var/log /var/lib/nginx # Set log output to STDOUT if wanted (LOG_TO_STDOUT=true) if [ "$LOG_TO_STDOUT" = true ]; then echo "[INFO] Logging to stdout activated" chmod o+w /dev/stdout sed -i "s/.*error_log.*$/error_log \/dev\/stdout warn;/" /etc/nginx/nginx.conf sed -i "s/.*error_log.*$/error_log = \/dev\/stdout/" /etc/php7/php-fpm.conf fi # Custom repositories (eg. for privates extensions) if [ -f '/flarum/app/extensions/composer.repositories.txt' ]; then while read line; do repository=$(echo $line | cut -d '|' -f1) json=$(echo $line | cut -d '|' -f2) echo "[INFO] Adding ${repository} composer repository" composer config repositories.${repository} "${json}" done < /flarum/app/extensions/composer.repositories.txt fi # Custom vhost flarum nginx if [ ! -e '/etc/nginx/conf.d/custom-vhost-flarum.conf' ]; then echo '# Example: # fix for flagrow/sitemap (https://github.com/flagrow/sitemap) # location = /sitemap.xml { # try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string; # }' > /etc/nginx/conf.d/custom-vhost-flarum.conf fi # if no installation was performed before if [ -e '/flarum/app/public/assets/installed.txt' ]; then echo "[INFO] Flarum already installed, init app..." sed -i -e "s||${DEBUG}|g" \ -e "s||${DB_HOST}|g" \ -e "s||${DB_NAME}|g" \ -e "s||${DB_USER}|g" \ -e "s||${DB_PASS}|g" \ -e "s||${DB_PREF}|g" \ -e "s||${FORUM_URL}|g" /flarum/app/config.php su-exec $UID:$GID php /flarum/app/flarum cache:clear # Composer cache dir and packages list paths CACHE_DIR=/flarum/app/extensions/.cache LIST_FILE=/flarum/app/extensions/list # Download extra extensions installed with composer wrapup script if [ -s "$LIST_FILE" ]; then echo "[INFO] Install extra bundled extensions" while read extension; do echo "[INFO] -------------- Install extension : ${extension} --------------" COMPOSER_CACHE_DIR="$CACHE_DIR" su-exec $UID:$GID composer require "$extension" done < "$LIST_FILE" echo "[INFO] Install extra bundled extensions. DONE." else echo "[INFO] No installed extensions" fi echo "[INFO] Init done, launch flarum..." else echo "[INFO] First launch, installation..." rm -rf /flarum/app/config.php if [ -z "$FLARUM_ADMIN_USER" ] || [ -z "$FLARUM_ADMIN_PASS" ] || [ -z "$FLARUM_ADMIN_MAIL" ]; then echo "[ERROR] User admin info of flarum must be set !" exit 1 fi sed -i -e "s||${DEBUG}|g" \ -e "s||${FORUM_URL}|g" \ -e "s||${DB_HOST}|g" \ -e "s||${DB_NAME}|g" \ -e "s||${DB_USER}|g" \ -e "s||${DB_PASS}|g" \ -e "s||${DB_PREF}|g" \ -e "s||${DB_PORT}|g" \ -e "s||${FLARUM_ADMIN_USER}|g" \ -e "s||${FLARUM_ADMIN_PASS}|g" \ -e "s||${FLARUM_ADMIN_MAIL}|g" \ -e "s||${FLARUM_TITLE}|g" /flarum/app/config.yml php /flarum/app/flarum install --file=/flarum/app/config.yml echo "[INFO] End of flarum installation" echo "Done" > /flarum/app/public/assets/installed.txt fi # Set permissions for /flarum folder find /flarum ! -user $UID -print0 | xargs -0 -r chown $UID:$GID find /flarum ! -group $GID -print0 | xargs -0 -r chown $UID:$GID # RUN ! exec su-exec $UID:$GID /bin/s6-svscan /services