# mondedie/flarum ![logo](https://i.imgur.com/Bjrtbsc.png "logo") ### What is this ? Flarum is the next-generation forum software that makes online discussion fun. It's simple, fast, and free. http://flarum.org/ ### Features - Lightweight & secure image - Based on Alpine Linux 3.4 with **nginx** and **PHP 7** - Latest Flarum Beta (v0.1.0-beta.5) - MySQL/Mariadb driver - OPCache extension configured ### Build-time variables - **VERSION** = Version of flarum (default: *v0.1.0-beta.5*) ### Ports - **8888** ### Volume - **/flarum/app/assets** : Flarum assets directory ### Environment variables | Variable | Description | Type | Default value | | -------- | ----------- | ---- | ------------- | | **GID** | Flarum user id | *optional* | 991 | **UID** | Flarum group id | *optional* | 991 | **DEBUG** | Flarum debug mode | *optional* | false | **FORUM_URL** | Forum URL | **required** | none | **DB_HOST** | MariaDB instance ip/hostname | *optional* | mariadb | **DB_USER** | MariaDB database username | *optional* | flarum | **DB_NAME** | MariaDB database name | *optional* | flarum | **DB_PASS** | MariaDB database password | **required** | none | **MAIL_FROM** | Mail 'from address' | *optional* | none | **MAIL_HOST** | Mail server FQDN | *optional* | none | **MAIL_PORT** | Mail server smtp port | *optional* | none | **MAIL_ENCR** | Encryption protocol, tls (587) or ssl (465) | *optional* | none | **MAIL_USER** | Username | *optional* | none | **MAIL_PASS** | Password | *optional* | none ## Installation #### 1 - Pull flarum image ``` docker pull mondedie/flarum ``` #### 2 - Create environment file ``` mkdir -p ~/.config/flarum touch ~/.config/flarum/.env chmod 600 ~/.config/flarum/.env ``` Create an `.env` file with your environment variables : ```bash # vim ~/.config/flarum/.env UID=991 # Optional GID=991 # Optional FORUM_URL=https://forum.domain.tld/ # Required DB_HOST=mariadb # Optional DB_NAME=flarum # Optional DB_USER=flarum # Optional DB_PASS=yyyyyyyy # Required MAIL_FROM=noreply@domain.tld # Optional MAIL_HOST=mail.domain.tld # Optional MAIL_PORT=465 # Optional MAIL_ENCR=ssl # Optional MAIL_USER=admin@domain.tld # Optional MAIL_PASS=xxxxxxxx # Optional ``` #### 3 - Docker-compose.yml Adapt to your needs : ``` flarum: image: mondedie/flarum container_name: flarum env_file: ~/.config/flarum/.env links: - mariadb:mariadb volumes: - /mnt/docker/flarum:/flarum/app/assets mariadb: image: mariadb:10.1 container_name: mariadb volumes: - /mnt/docker/mysql/db:/var/lib/mysql environment: - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=xxxxxxxx - MYSQL_DATABASE=flarum - MYSQL_USER=flarum - MYSQL_PASSWORD=yyyyyyyy ``` #### 4 - Reverse proxy setup See : https://github.com/mondediefr/flarum/wiki/Reverse-proxy-example #### 5 - Done, congratulation ! :tada: You can now run Flarum : ``` docker-compose up -d ``` ### Default account * **Username** : *admin* * **Password** : *password* ### Install custom extensions **Flarum extensions list :** https://packagist.org/search/?q=flarum-ext #### Install an extension ``` docker exec -ti flarum composeur require some/extension ``` #### Remove an extension ``` docker exec -ti flarum composeur remove some/extension ``` #### List all extensions ``` docker exec -ti flarum composeur list ``` ### Screenshot ![flarum](https://i.imgur.com/teqg3od.pngP)