EAPI="4" EGIT_REPO_URI="git://git.tastytea.de/repositories/hashboot.git" inherit eutils git-2 DESCRIPTION="Check integrity of files in /boot" HOMEPAGE="https://git.tastytea.de/?p=hashboot.git" LICENSE="hug-ware" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="amd64 x86" IUSE="" RDEPEND=" sys-apps/coreutils app-arch/tar sys-apps/findutils sys-apps/grep virtual/awk app-shells/bash sys-apps/util-linux app-arch/gzip " DEPEND="${RDEPEND} " PDEPEND=" " src_unpack() { git-2_src_unpack } src_prepare() { if grep -q '^rc_parallel="YES"' /etc/rc.conf then ewarn "hashboot does not work properly with parallel boot enabled." fi mkdir init mv initscript.openrc init/hashboot mv LICENSE HUG-WARE } src_install() { dodoc README insinto /usr/portage/licenses doins HUG-WARE dobin hashboot doinitd init/hashboot }