**Whyblocked** allows you to store the reason why you blocked someone, along with "receipts", URLs to the posts that led you to block them. It has a text- and a Qt-interface and uses a SQLite-database. ![Screenshot Qt interface](https://doc.schlomp.space/whyblocked/whyblocked_screenshot.png) ## Usage For the text interface start `whyblocked`, for the Qt interface `whyblocked-gui`. You can also start it from the menu of your desktop environment. ## Install ### Packages Every [release](https://schlomp.space/tastytea/whyblocked/releases) includes a .deb-package, an .rpm-package and a .tar.gz-package with precompiled binaries for x86_64(amd64). These are automatically built and not tested. You can install them with `dpkg -i` or `rpm -i`, respectively. Gentoo ebuilds are available via my [repository](https://schlomp.space/tastytea/overlay). ### From source #### Dependencies * C++ compiler (tested: [gcc](https://gcc.gnu.org/) 6/7/8, [clang](https://llvm.org/) 3/5/6) * [cmake](https://cmake.org/) (at least 3.6) * [vsqlite++](http://vsqlite.virtuosic-bytes.com/) (tested: 0.3.13) * [libxdg-basedir](http://repo.or.cz/w/libxdg-basedir.git) (tested: 1.2) * [qtcore](https://www.qt.io/) (tested: 5.11/5.3) * Optional * [qtwidgets](https://www.qt.io/) (tested: 5.11/5.3) * [lupdate & lrelease](http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/linguist-manager.html) (tested: 5.11/5.3) #### Get sourcecode Download the current [release](https://schlomp.space/tastytea/whyblocked/releases). #### Compile ```SH mkdir build cd build cmake .. make make install ``` cmake options: * `-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug` for a debug build * `-DWITHOUT_GUI=YES` to not build GUI * `-DWITHOUT_TRANSLATIONS=YES` to not compile translations * One of: * `-DWITH_DEB=YES` if you want to be able to generate a deb-package * `-DWITH_RPM=YES` if you want to be able to generate an rpm-package ## Contributing Contributions are always welcome. You can submit them as pull requests or via email to `tastytea`@`tastytea.de`. ### Translations To start a new translation, go to `translations/` and copy `whyblocked_en.ts` to a file [appropriate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2#Officially_assigned_code_elements) for the new language. If you want to translate to french for example, that file name would be `whyblocked_fr.ts`. Use [Linguist](http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtlinguist-index.html) to edit the `.ts`-files. ## Bugs Please report them on the [issue tracker](https://schlomp.space/tastytea/whyblocked/issues) or to `tastytea`@`tastytea.de`. ## Licence & Copyright ```PLAIN Copyright © 2018 tastytea . License GPLv3: GNU GPL version 3 . This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. ``` The icon is derived from the icons `messagebox critical` and `help` of the [Gartoon icon theme](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Gartoon_icons). The original authors were Zeus, Patrick Yavitz and La Mula Francis, who released them under the terms of the [GPL2+](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html) and [DSL](http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/dsl.html). The new icon is released under the same terms.